before his house.
“Tori, did he violate you?” He asked in the same deep voice he used earlier on Charm and his crew.
The sound of his voice made the rhythm of her heart slow down. Once again she felt protected and cared for. She shook her head, he was just being a Good Samaritan. It was nice to know some of them still existed. She felt a sharp stab in her heart when she thought he would do this for anyone. She wanted to be special to him.
“No. The guard saved me. Is this your house?”
He nodded his head yes. He got out and opened the door for her.
“Maybe you should just take me to a hotel. I am sure I will be fine there.”
“Come in, we can discuss it inside. I won’t hurt you, Tori.”
Yes he would, it just wouldn’t be physically. She gave him a weak smile and followed him into the house.
Chapter Seven
His house was truly beautiful. It was also high tech. The doors could be opened and closed on a timer and each one was equipped with a digital lock. Some could only be opened by finger print recognition. Hale liked his toys.
“Hale, what do you do for a living?” she asked as she stood in his game room.
She was floored by the huge screens he had around. He was obviously an extreme gamer.
“I am part owner of Dare Securities with my other brothers. I do all of the computer networking and any other computer related job, I also design games, some I have sold, others are for the exclusive use of the family.”
“You and your family seem to be close. That’s nice.”
“We are close. Where’s your family?”
“My parents had me when they were older.” She gave him a beautiful smile. “They never thought they would have a child and then I came along. I was their little princess. I guess I should say I was their spoiled little princess. I never wanted for anything when I was growing up. They put me through college and supported me when I decided I wanted to open my own business. Then my mom was diagnosed with a deadly disease. One year later she was gone, six months after that my dad was gone. I think he just missed her too much. Now I am all alone.”
“You’re not alone any longer. Now you have me and the rest of my family.”
He really was a nice guy. Not like that creep John. One voice was screaming trust him in her head, but another was screaming remember John, trust no one. The voice screaming ‘Danger’ was enough to make her look for a ledge to jump over at least a mental ledge, anyway.
“About that hotel,” she nudged gently not wanting to offend him.
“Where do you want to go? The ones in town seem secure with night men to watch the front door.”
There was no way she could afford the hotels in town. She needed a hole in the wall. She opened her mouth…
“Tori if you’re about to suggest some hotel in your neighborhood or another neighborhood like yours, you might as well not say anything. We both know you will not be safe anywhere around where you used to live. I know you don’t know me well, but you do know I’m not out to kill you. For tonight that should all that really matters. Besides Lorali would skin me alive if I hurt her wedding coordinator.” His lips twitched with a hint of a grin.
“Hale is there some place I could lie down? I really just want to sleep.” The fact that he didn’t want to kill her was the only thing she was sure of right now. That one fact and a bed would buy her a troubled night’s sleep; it was the best she could hope for.
“Sure. Follow me. Are you hungry?”
“No, I am still full from Dante’s lunch.”
Hale gave a laugh. “Dante has never been known to serve meager portions.”
“I would have to agree with you on that.” She followed him up the stairs.
They walked past the door at the top of the steps and moved to the second door.
“You can sleep in here. Go on in, I will be right back.”
She walked in to look around. The room was beautifully done. The walls were painted an eye catching blue and the furniture was