Yeah right, I scold myself. Luke gave me a dose of my own medicine last night. I was mean to him from the moment we met and deserved his sweet kiss... eh, I mean revenge.
“Knock it off, Brad.” Brit scolds him, defending me.
I look at Brit, mentally thanking her, not missing the questioning look she shoots in my direction. I shrug at her. But I know she is going to corner me later and grill me.
“Yeah, Brad, pick on someone your own size,” Jane sneers at him tossing a napkin in his direction.
“Pull in your claws, ladies. Em, sorry but are you okay?” Brad asks, this time his voice laced with real concern. As big a dork he is, he is a good friend of mine and a lovable dork at that. I can never stay mad at him, no matter how hard I try. And I know he is not to blame for my present mood. I blame present company sitting across from me.
“I’m fine, Brad. Just not in the mood.” I answer him. My voice is low, reflecting my frame of mind while my brains are scattered all over the surface of the white cafeteria table.
Thankfully he lets it rest and I make my escape as soon as I can.
The remainder of the day goes by rather smoothly and I have dinner in the kitchen before going to my favourite retreat.
Switching on the lights as I enter the cottage, I make sure to lock the door behind me. Relief shoots through me now that I am here by myself, calming me immediately. I almost cut classes eager to get here. I make my way to the round oak table, placing my bag on top. Reaching inside, I pull out the cream envelope from the side pocket.
I sit down on the chair and take a deep breath before opening it. My heart squeezes inside my chest in the thrill anticipation knowing already what is inside.
He is coming back.
I open the envelope and pull out the matching cream paper tucked neatly inside. Just one page. I start to read.
Hot tears stream down my cheeks silently as I read the letter and my excitement is replaced by sheer anger. I read the letter twice thinking there must be some mistake and my eyes are deceiving me but there it is in black and white, Ethan’s neat handwriting in black ink on the crisp cream paper. He could have sent me an email but he chose to write a letter instead.
The letter where he tells me he met someone and is hopelessly in love with her.
I’m not in love with Ethan any more... I haven’t been for a while. Foe me, it is more a matter of pride being hurt. How could he forget about me so quickly? Did I not mean anything to him, just something he could toss aside? It took him approximately six months to forget about me and fall in love with someone else. How does one do that after spending two years of their life with someone they claimed they loved? And making life long plans to be together? Seriously?
“Aaaargh!” I scream out loud venting my frustration.
“Aaaargh!” A voice screams back at me.
I gasp in shock. Either my voice just echoed or this wall is screaming at me.
Sweeping my hands across my wet cheeks, I realise with horror that the voice came from whatever is behind the couch. What the hell?
The shock realisation has me shoving off from the table and knocking my chair down.
“What the fuck?” Luke screams at me as he gets up from under the covers on the couch.
I know I should be reeling in shock but the sight of him has me licking my lips. Holy sweet baby Jesus.
He is dressed in only a pair of black track pants, hung dangerously low on his lean hips just below the sexy V of muscle on his pelvis. I see the rise and fall of his heavy breathing on his smooth tanned naked chest, a chest that would surely give Thor and his entire gang of Gods a run for their money. T-shirts be damned ... a chest like that needs to be on display not covered up. Taking in his tired face and messed up hair, I gather I missed seeing him sleeping on the couch when I walked in earlier.
Breathe, Emma. Now is not the time to swoon. “What the hell are you doing here? Get out!” I