Hannah's Warrior:  Cosmos' Gateway Book 2

Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online

Book: Hannah's Warrior: Cosmos' Gateway Book 2 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Aliens
corridor. There were two sets of stairs -
one lead up, the other lead down. Borj turned and moved upward.
    At the top of the stairs the room opened up
into a large area with a set of windows along one side. Borj did
not know how to turn on the lighting in the area. Normally when he
entered a room the lights would automatically adjust to his
preferences. It didn't matter, he could see just fine with the
light coming in through the windows. He moved over to them and
gazed out on the home world of the female he wanted to claim. He
watched as strange transports moved back and forth over a small
bridge spanning the river below him. The village below him was
brightly lit with a brilliant sprinkling of lights. He could see
humans walking along the edge of the river, some holding hands,
others alone. He wondered vaguely if any of them could be his
female. Tink said she should have arrived by now. Borj turned away
from the window and moved towards the bedroom area to see if the
male was there. He walked through noticing the bed was empty and
the cleansing room was dark. He returned to the living area and
moved towards the food preparation area. He was curious as to how
the human's living space compared with those on Baade. He had just
walked into the small cooking area when he felt a sense of warning
he was not alone. He was just about to turn when a blow from behind
struck him and everything went dark.

    Hannah looked down at the
figure lying face down on the kitchen floor. She quickly turned on
the light over the sink and bent to make sure the man was
incapacitated. Seeing he was out cold, Hannah quickly jerked open
the drawers in the kitchen looking for something to tie the
intruder up with. She crowed in triumph when she came across a
package of plactic tie straps. They were
the large, heavy duty type too, Hannah
thought with relief. From the size of the guy lying on the floor
she was going to need the extra strenght variety. She quickly
attached one to each of his wrists then connected them together
with another one. Not wanting to take a chance, she put three more
around both wrists and three up his legs starting at his ankles.
Hannah stared at the three remaining ties and shrugged her
shoulders. She might as well use them too. She quickly attached two
more to the ties around his wrists and then to the belt loops on
the back of his jeans and the last one she tied around his
ankles. Twelve of those bad boys should
keep him immobile when he wakes up! Hannah
thought smugly.
    Hannah struggled to roll the
huge male over so she could get a better look at him. She wanted to
make sure she could identify him if the cops asked her. A vague
thought flashed through her mind that this might be the senator's
son looking for Tink but Hannah remembered Cosmos telling her the
aliens had taken him with them. Surely, he
hadn't escaped? Hannah thought in dismay.
Hannah gasped when she got her first good look at the man under
her. He was taller than Cosmos by a couple of inches and much
broader. His hair was black and cut short, almost like a military
style haircut. Hannah frowned as she took in his facial features.
They were similar to a human's but different somehow. He had high
cheekbones but his nose was a little broader than most males. His
skin color was a warm, dark tan almost like the color of a rich
honey. Hannah reached out with one of her hands and gently traced
the side of his face from his hairline down to his chin. His skin
felt hot against her touch. There was something different about him
but Hannah couldn't quite figure out what it was. She was just
about to move away when a voice behind her made her squeal in
    "What the hell are you doing?" Cosmos asked
in shock.
    Hannah fell back on her butt on the cold
floor and grabbed her chest with her free hand. The other hand was
still clutching the aluminum frying pan like a life line. Hannah
turned enough so she could see Cosmos standing in the doorway to
the kitchen that the

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