
Harmony by Sienna Mynx Read Free Book Online

Book: Harmony by Sienna Mynx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sienna Mynx
response. Humor sparkled in his eyes but he didn’t laugh. She offered him a sly smile. “I’ll try to relax Vinnie, if you keep your hands to yourself.”
    Romano’s brows lowered and leveled over his hot gaze. Maybe he’d appreciate her candor. “Yes, try to relax. As for my hands…”
    “ It’s getting late.” Harmony pointed out. “I think I’ll leave now.”
    “ Your brother? You going to abandon him?” Romano’s gaze sharpened and so did his speech. “When we’re so close to finding him. I thought you’d do anything for Lil Will?”
    The question hit her hard in the chest. Did she have some deep destructive desire to break every personal rule in her life for a fleeting feel of lust? No. But Willie had gotten mixed up with these men and she was his only hope. “I will,” she said, then pressed her lips together to keep the rest of her objections at bay.
    He extended his hand once more.
    For a brief moment she considered his open palm and the consequences of her actions. Could Lewis see her now? What would Grams think? Harmony lifted her hand slowly and placed it in his. Romano pressed a light kiss to her knuckles with his gaze trained on hers. He then led her out of the parlor.
    Together they entered the dark hall to the staircase. Mabel had eased back into the shadows, still she peeked at her from behind a door. A stony look of disgust and disbelief turned what were possibly gentle features hard. Harmony held to her pride and made the climb with her head high. Romano took the lead pulling her hand behind him in silence. For Willie , she kept reminding herself. Romano stopped at a bedroom door and pushed it inward. Harmony could barely see inside. She didn’t have to. She knew what awaited her there. Should I delay the inevitable and make sure Willie was all right? What do I have to offer him but this, and once it’s had, what then?
    “ Harmony?” he said her name, noticing her resistance.
    She flashed a small smile of her own then stepped inside. The room was dark, but the bed lay clearly visible and even more intimidating than the mobster that stood behind her. The door lock clicked, engaged and she bit down hard on her bottom lip. Apprehension gnawed at her confidence. She forced herself to exchange glances from the bed to him when he turned on a lamp. Again, she was struck by the hard edges that strengthened his handsomeness. Here she was, alone, with this enigma of a man. Most coloreds avoided the Sicilian and Irish crime bosses, though desire had reshaped her fear. Tall, with glossy golden brown hair, he had fiery hot amber brown eyes, and the most delectable mouth she had ever seen on a man. His cool presence excited her just like it did with Lewis. His olive skin in the darkly lit room made him appear a bit more native than the pale faces of the white men he kept company with. She remembered Grams warnings against the excited fluttering in her breast. She didn’t listen then, she wouldn’t listen now.
    “ Grams. That was rude. You barely said two words to Lewis.” Harmony closed the door and walked back to the kitchen. “He just coming to see about Willie.”
    “ Mony, take a seat.” Her grandmother turned from the stove with her fist to her hip and a serious frown creasing her brow. Harmony knew that look. She thought it ridiculous that she would get saddled with the burden of explaining her little brother’s friends. Lewis didn’t come for her. He was just a nice guy to think of giving her some chocolates every once and awhile.
    “ Yes ma’am.” Harmony said sitting at the table.
    Grams had been sluggish lately. She stopped going to Miss Moncrief’s and now did laundry from her back room. It scared Harmony to see the woman she knew as her mother so tired all the time. Even now her grandmother heaved and breathed hard breaths from the simplest of tasks. And the tired lines of stress and worry lent a hint of sadness to

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