Harry St Clair: Rogue or Doctor?

Harry St Clair: Rogue or Doctor? by Fiona McArthur Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Harry St Clair: Rogue or Doctor? by Fiona McArthur Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fiona McArthur
Tags: Medical
young woman peeled the grey root swiftly and surely but every few minutes her face changed and she glanced down at her stomach. When she looked up she must have seen the concern in Bonnie’s eyes because she shook her head as if to say it was nothing.
    Bonnie allowed her own glance to drift down and tried to estimate the gestation of the pregnancy. Nearly full term, that was for sure, but not a big baby. Harry wandered off to talk to the Portuguese couple and Bonnie edged towards the doorway.
    ‘Hello. I’m Bonnie. I’m afraid I don’t speak much Balinese.’
    ‘I am Mardi.’ The young woman’s voice was very soft and to Bonnie’s relief quietly confident with her English. ‘I worked in a restaurant before I married my husband and speak good English.’
    ‘You’re very clever. My Indonesian is bad apart from
good morning.’
She smiled. ‘Is your baby giving you pains?’
    Mardi glanced down at her stomach with a gentle smile. ‘A little. But he is not due until next month. It has happened for a little while each day this last week so I’m hoping my belly will go soon to sleep.’

    J UDGING from the changing expressions on the young woman’s face, Bonnie doubted these pains would go away.
    Bonnie waited for the strain to ease from Mardi’s face again. Pretty decent contraction, she thought. When it had gone she said, ‘Maybe she or he has decided to come today.’
    Mardi looked down at the brown dust beneath her feet. ‘Not today. My husband is away working to save money. We cannot afford the midwife yet.’
    Bonnie wasn’t sure how that worked when nature didn’t play the game. ‘What about the hospital?’
    Calmly Mardi shook her head and her thick black hair barely moved in the coiled bun. ‘The hospital costs are even greater.’ She grimaced again and Bonnie frowned.
    ‘Looks like labour to me,’ Bonnie muttered under her breath. She’d seen quite a few. ‘Have the pains been this close and strong before?’
    Mardi shook her head and this time Bonnie saw the start of the glint of tears in her beautiful brown eyes. ‘Perhaps I am a little fearful.’
    Fear was the last thing a woman in labour needed. ‘Is your husband’s mother here?’
    Mardi’s coil shifted slightly again. ‘She died at his birth. Which is why he wishes for me to have the midwife. His grandmother is here, but she cannot see well. His brother’s wife is here and had one son in the hospital.’
    Bonnie wanted to hug her but she also didn’t want to intrude if she wasn’t wanted. ‘I’m a midwife in Australia. Can I help you?’
    Bonnie glanced over her shoulder, hoping to catch the eye of Harry, but he was still laughing with the Portuguese girls.
    She glared at him in frustration. As if she’d touched him, or thrown something at him, he stopped what he was saying and glanced her way. Without a word he crossed the road to her side.
    He nodded at Mardi and lowered his voice as he looked at Bonnie. ‘Is everything all right?’
    Bonnie was thrown for a moment. Coincidence? Telepathy? She had no idea how that had worked. He’d been receptive and come quickly. The concept that she’d called him without words sent a trickle of unease through her. That was too much connection.
    No. Just coincidence, that’s all.
    The thought was closely followed by the priorities she’d let slip as Mardi drew another sharp breath. ‘We need to find Mardi’s husband because she’s going into labour.’
    Bonnie had no doubt now. Just looking at Mardi, anyone would tell the time for false labour had passed and she’d bet her borrowed pushbike the baby wouldcome today. ‘He’s away to save money for the midwife.’
    To her surprise Harry paled and then seemed to shake himself into sense. His eyes narrowed and she could almost see his mind weighing the options. For a carefree surfer he was on the ball quickly. ‘I’ll take you to the hospital. The backup vehicle for the bike ride is parked outside.’

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