Haven 1: Caution: Contents Under Pressure

Haven 1: Caution: Contents Under Pressure by Gabrielle Evans Read Free Book Online

Book: Haven 1: Caution: Contents Under Pressure by Gabrielle Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabrielle Evans
Tags: mm
    “It’s your job to get your ass kicked?” Jory knew he needed to shut up, but he couldn’t stop. He might pay for it, but he’d been going out of his mind with worry only to have his mate waltz into the kitchen and confirm his fears.
    “I didn’t get my ass kicked.”
    Now, Jory had piqued the man’s pride. Fabulous. “You’re a ruler, a leader. You should be here leading stuff.” You should be here with me and not out risking your life.
    “I should be where I’m needed most. My men needed me, so that’s where I went. At least they seem to like having me around!”
    Jory jerked back like Stavion had slapped him. “I’m sorry.” He didn’t know what he was apologizing for, but he’d do it over and over if it took that look of Stavion’s face. He knew that particular look well—maybe not from Stavion, but others—and it always ended with him getting hurt.
    The vampire’s shoulders sagged, and he closed his eyes on a sigh.
    When he opened them again, the anger had vanished, and he just looked tired. “Come here, Jory.”
    Jory moved hesitantly, stepping closer to his mate. He bit the inside of his cheek and willed himself not to flinch when Stavion reached out for him. Instead of a slap to the face, his mate’s big hand palmed his cheek gently. “I’m sorry I worried you, and I’m sorry that I yelled. Forgive me?”

    Stavion was asking for his forgiveness? Jory didn’t know what to do with that. No one ever gave a shit what he thought or if they upset him. He was a just a convenient target for irate, muscle-bound assholes.
    His mate had the muscles, and he’d been pissed, but he wasn’t an asshole. He was the kindest person Jory had ever met. He needed to get that through his head and stop comparing Stavion to those fuckers who’d made it their mission in life to cause him as much suffering as possible. It wasn’t fair to Stavion. Hadn’t he proved himself a man of worth time and time again?
    Nuzzling the side of his face into Stavion’s palm, Jory gave him a shy smile. “I’m sorry, too.”
    “Stop. You have nothing to apologize for.” Stavion took a deep breath, and he seemed to be steeling himself for what he was about to say. “I have to go back, baby. We helped some of the alpha’s pack escape. They weren’t bought slaves, but they weren’t treated much better. That was the easy part, though. The alpha and his inner circle are going to have to be brought before the elders to face charges for the things he’s done. We also have reason to believe that his brother is holding slaves in his pack in Kansas.”
    “Can’t the others do that?” Jory didn’t want to sound whiney and unappreciative of how hard Stavion worked to keep them all safe. He just wanted the man out of harm’s way.
    “We have time to talk about it,” Stavion said evenly. “We need to obtain more evidence before we go after either of them.”
    “Do you think they’ll come after you?”
    “I…” Stavion trailed off and his eyebrows drew together in concentration. “I didn’t think about that, but I can’t rule it out. We’re going to have to be more careful.”
    “Can you ask The Council for more Enforcers?” Stavion smiled again and caressed Jory’s cheek. “You’re so smart, sweetheart. Unfortunately, we’re stretched pretty thin as it is. I’m not sure there are any Enforcers that can be spared to help guard us.”
    “If we—you are going to turn this place into a refuge, you’re going to need more security. Otherwise, it’s just rounding up the beaten, broken, and abused in one place so that they’re easier to get to.” God, Jory really needed to shut his trap. He was making it sound as though Stavion wasn’t doing his job, but that wasn’t the case at all.
    He just wanted to make things a little easier for his mate.
    “You’re absolutely right,” Stavion answered to Jory’s shock. “You have valid and intelligent concerns, Jory. It’s just going to take a miracle to

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