Having Faith

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Book: Having Faith by Abbie Zanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbie Zanders
supposed.  Brown hair, brown eyes.  Well-toned. 
    Kieran’s eyes narrowed.  The guy – the name stitched on his shirt said David - was looking at Faith with far too much non-professional interest.  Faith must have noticed, too, because she shifted uncomfortably.  After handing the clipboard to him, she took a deliberate step backward.
    “Are you sure you don’t want us to put those bed frames together for you?” the other guy asked.  He lifted his cap and smoothed back his hair as he nodded toward the tangle of thin black steel rods now leaning against the wall.  He was older, with clearly defined lines around his eyes and a fair smattering of gray around his close-cropped hair.  His gaze toward Faith was decidedly more fatherly than David ’s.  Kieran didn’t have the sudden, irrational urge to kill him .
    “I’m sure, thank you,” Faith said politely.
    “It’s much easier with an extra set of hands,” the younger guy pushed, coming dangerously close to invading Faith’s personal space.  Kieran only just managed to silence the low warning growl rumbling around in the back of his throat.  Faith had already said no.  Why was this guy still here?
    Dropping all pretense of not listening, Kieran placed himself in the archway.  Faith didn’t respond to the man’s latest offer.  Judging by the way her pretty eyes were flashing with irritation, it was not the first time he’d asked.  She stood patiently by the door to see them out.  Unfortunately, they didn’t seem all that anxious to leave.   
    Faith took another step back when David got a little closer than was socially acceptable.  He was not a large man, not by Callaghan standards, but he was a good deal bigger than Faith.  Faith’s shoulders stiffened.  With a slightly defiant tilt to her chin, she held her ground.  For his part, Kieran did not like the way the guy was openly appreciating her assets.
    “You know, tomorrow’s my day off,” the little rat bastard was saying.  “I’d be glad to stop by and give you a hand.  Looks like you could definitely use some help.”  His attempted sexy grin only managed to look smarmy.  Faith opened her mouth, presumably to decline his offer, but before she could say a word, Kieran spoke up.
    “That won’t be necessary.”  Kieran crossed his massive arms over his equally massive chest, allowing his form to fill the archway, his deep voice booming throughout the small space as he set his laser-like stare upon the would-be do-gooder. 
    Matt, who had also been following the exchange, squeezed thru and stood beside him with a smirk.  “Yeah, we got it covered, man.”
    David looked like he was about to say something else, but upon seeing Kieran, changed his mind.  Apparently the guy had some brains after all.  “Maybe another time,” the delivery guy muttered before the two of them glanced once again at Kieran and made their exit.  Faith’s expression was a little harder to read.  She looked relieved, but he couldn’t be sure.
    “Thanks,” she said somewhat shyly.
    Without another word, Kieran nodded, then turned on his heel and stalked back outside, fighting his own powerful urge to get close up in Faith’s personal space.  Matt followed closely behind.
    “That happen a lot?” Kieran asked, once he was sure they were out of earshot.
    “Yeah,” Matt frowned.  “Guys are hitting on my mom all the time.  Most of them are pretty cool when she shuts them down, but some get kind of pushy.”
    “Turns down a lot, does she?” he asked casually.
    “No,” Matt said with a grin.  “She turns down them all ,” he clarified. 
    Kieran’s dark mood took a definite upswing.
    * * *
    “I think we’re in the way,” Lacie observed as Shane, Kieran, and Matt progressed through the house, patching and fixing as they went.  She pulled off her cleaning gloves.  “I’m ready for a break anyway.  How about we head into town for a bit?  You said you needed some supplies,

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