Hear No Evil (Alpha Guardians Book 2)
with a flirty wink, Cassie couldn’t help but stare at the recipient.
    “Did it work? Do you see him?” Gabriel asked.
    “Uhhh… yeah,” Cassie said, swallowing hard. Ciprian Asangel was six and a half feet of lithe, suave man. He might be a Vampire, but his dirty blonde hair, crinkling blue eyes, and brilliant grin were undeniably attractive. He wore a metallic blue suit that looked tailor-made, and the flock of women encircling him almost seemed like an accessory of sorts, an echo of his attractiveness.
    Gabriel reached out and slid an arm around Cassie’s waist, pulling her close and dropping a kiss on the top of her head. He turned her in a smooth movement, but his grin faltered when he spotted Asangel.
    “Didn’t expect him to be so bloody… like that ,” Gabriel muttered. “Actually, I was sort of hoping he liked men. Would’ve made talking to him a lot easier.”
    Cassie rubbed her lips together, knowing Gabriel wasn’t going to like her next words.
    “I think we both know that I have to be the one to talk to him,” she said. “You might as well not even argue. You know I’m right.”
    Gabriel’s eyes narrowed with annoyance, but Cassie could tell she’d won this round.
    “Three minutes,” he said. “And he’d better not touch you, not if he likes having hands.”
    “Take a breath,” Cassie sighed. “First of all, I’m not even your mate—”
    Gabriel cut her off with a growl, cupping her jaw and giving her a quick, firm kiss. The brief contact sent a shiver down her spine, but Cassie pulled away.
    “You’re not making things better,” she told him.
    “I didn’t intend to,” Gabriel fired back.
    “You don’t get to stake your claim here, buddy,” Cassie said, stepping back. “Now I’m going to go talk to that sexy Vampire, and you are going to stay right here and try not to ruin the bartender’s panties. Got it?”
    Before Gabriel could say another word, Cassie left him and strode across the dance floor, weaving between bodies on the crowded dance floor. Cassie caught Asangel’s attention immediately, and it was everything she could do to keep from blushing as the handsome Vampire raked his ice-blue gaze up and down her body. His appraisal seemed as honest as it was frank, and when Cassie’s eyes locked onto Asangel’s she found herself flattered at the curious hunger she found there.
    Cassie played her cards for all they were worth, swaying her hips as she strode up to the Vampire, a knowing smirk on her lips. Her confident attitude must have worked, because two of Asangel’s admirers backed up as Cassie approached, giving her space to stop less than a foot in front of him.
    “Enjoying the drink?” she asked, settling a hand on her hip and giving him an appraising glance of her own.
    Asangel’s brows arched a little, a smile lifting the corners of his lips.
    “Very much so,” he said, his Eastern European accent thick. “This blend is a favorite of mine, thank you.”
    Cassie gave him a suggestive smirk and then held her hand out as she introduced herself.
    “Cassandra,” she said.
    “I know who you are, Oracle,” he said, his smile broadening as he took her hand, pressing his thumb against her gloved wrist to caress her pulse point. “I am Ciprian.”
    “I know who you are, too,” Cassie bluffed, giving him a forced grin in return. The Oracle rose within her, giving her a flash of a softer, kinder-looking Ciprian offering his neck to a gorgeous brunette with dark coloring. The woman in the vision raised a brow and bared her fangs, then sunk her teeth into Ciprian’s neck, making them both moan in ecstasy.
    Cassie sucked in a breath as she blinked the vision away. She couldn’t be certain, but she thought she’d just witnessed Ciprian’s transformation from human to Vampire. Ciprian didn’t so much as blink, but Cassie noticed an unmistakable hint of fang in his smile now.
    “Ladies, go get a drink. I think the Oracle — Cassandra, that is, I think she

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