Heart of Darkness
earlier thought that his
friend's hair and her own were of the light and he of the dark, she
realized that whilst it was true, there was a life of its own to
Wolfe's head of hair.
    His jaw was stubbled and he looked tired and
weary. She realized that either her theory of his disliking the day
was true and that was the reason for his fatigue, or it was false
and he was simply tired after riding the whole night and falling
asleep in the late morning. That made perfect sense and when she
had watched him defend her and attack the intruder, he had looked
in the rudest of health.
    When he looked at her, she saw the steeliness
of his character in that firm jaw and his eyes were the darkest
brown she had ever seen. They were so dark that one could not even
see the central circle in the orb. But, they were almost like
velvet. Silken like the most beautiful of fabrics.
    Perhaps that was rather an overstatement, but
it was her opinion. He had beautiful, if unusual, eyes.
    He had the appearance of a dark God and
although it didn't surprise her, because last night she had
realized how attractive she found him, a part of her had hoped that
he would look like the monster she believed him to be.
    She licked her lips as the man on the floor
seemed to shrink in on himself as he replied simply, “It is
    Isabeau watched as Wolfe's shoulders suddenly
tensed and he murmured, “Is that all he seeks? The ring?”
    The man was quiet until Wolfe kicked him hard
and sent him sprawling backwards with a squawk of pain that had
even Isabeau flinching. “No. No, he wants the girl as well. If she
is unspoiled.”
    “I see Jaegar has developed a superiority
complex. Well, Isabeau, are you unspoiled?” he asked silkily. Then
when she remained quiet, not dignifying his question with a
response, he said, “Come, come, Isabeau, let's allow the man to
leave with one part of his mission fulfilled. Jaegar can be a mean
bastard, when crossed. We don't want this poor man to die, do
    She watched as the man flinched again and
knew that Wolfe spoke the truth. That this Jaegar, whoever he was,
would kill the man for his failure to obtain neither the ring or
    It wasn't enough to make her reply, she only
did so when Wolfe spun around and glared at her. Stuttering
slightly, her words were nonetheless indignant, when she said, “Of
course! I am a maiden! How dare you even question it?”
    “It was not that unsuitable a question,
Isabeau. How many women in similar straits as your own, have been
reduced to selling themselves simply to survive?”
    She grimaced. Isabeau had met several
prostitutes along her journey and had felt nothing but pity for
their plight. Fortunately for her, the ring kept her sustained. If
she felt hunger, then a sudden weight would appear in her hand and
she would find a glint of a golden guinea there. She had thanked
the Goddess for that gift many a time.
    “Yes, well, I am not of them!” she retorted
    “I, for one, am glad to hear it. And I'm sure
that Jaegar will be as well.”
    Wolfe prodded the man with his foot and
sneered when he whimpered.
    “Tell Jaegar that if he endangers
Isabeau's life once more, the hundreds of grudges that I can lay
upon his hide, will suddenly have a need to be avenged. Tell him
that I am no longer the skinny youth he knew, but a grown man. One
capable of crushing another's fist within my own hand,” Wolfe spoke
grimly before he bent down and retrieved the dagger and then turned
his back on the intruder. “Davide, come and collect this man and take him from my
    Another man scurried into the room and
part-dragged and part-helped the intruder leave the room.
    Silence reigned for a few moments, until
Wolfe stomped towards her and settled himself on her bed. He glared
down at the bleeding finger and the already bruising flesh at her
jaw and throat. “I assume that you can heal

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