Hearts Beguiled

Hearts Beguiled by Penelope Williamson Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hearts Beguiled by Penelope Williamson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penelope Williamson
Tags: v5.0 scan; HR; Avon Romance; France; French Revolution;
tossed the fan aside. "I thought that while I'm here I might as well buy something," he said casually. "A gift. For my mistress."
    Gabrielle stood up, her happiness slowly disappearing like smoke out an open window. She should have known he would have a mistress. He probably had hundreds of them. "If you give me an idea of her tastes," she said stiffly, "perhaps I can help you."
    "She has expensive tastes, of course. What woman doesn't?" Another smile, once again mocking. "It should be something intimate, I think, but not too extravagant. I intend to give it to her tonight . . ." He paused, and his dark gray eyes fastened onto Gabrielle's. "After I tell her goodbye."
    There was no mistaking his meaning, not in his words and not in his eyes. Gabrielle stood before him, feeling joy and terror, excitement and guilt. She realized that one word, one movement on her part, would give him an answer. Yes or no, stay or go.
    Unsure, she did nothing.
    There was a large glass case resting on the counter in back of the shop. It contained small valuable items, such as snuffboxes, cameos, and jewelry. He went to it and leaned over to examine its contents. Gabrielle made a small movement as if to stop him, barely quelling it in time.
    "Perhaps a ring," he said, turning, and Gabrielle's breath caught in her throat.
    For the ring, the sapphire ring that she had sold to Simon Prion four years ago, the ring that a duc's son had once placed on her finger, still rested on the velvet lining of the case. Simon had many times tried to give it back to her, but she had always refused. She would redeem it, she had said with pride, when she had worked off her debt.
    But there were other rings for sale, she told herself. Prettier, more valuable.
    Max had turned back to the case. "This one," he said, and pointed to a ring—a ruby ring. Gabrielle slowly let out her breath.
    She took a small key from the desk and unlocked the case. Her fingers were shaking so badly she was sure he would notice.
    He slipped the ruby ring on the little finger of his left hand. He blew on the jewel, rubbed it with the lace at his cuff, then held his hand out to study it.
    "What do you think?"
    Gabrielle swallowed and forced a smile. "It's very pretty, monsieur . . . and only five hundred livres."
    "I don't know." He looked at the ring again, then set it aside. "I've never fancied rubies."
    His eyes roamed slowly over the contents of the case. Gabrielle's hands pressed so hard onto the countertop that her knuckles whitened.
    He picked up one of a pair of earrings, a cluster of pearls dangling from a tiny gold chain. He regarded it for a moment, glanced at her, then tossed it back into the case. He ran his fingers over the enameled top of a snuffbox, fondled a diamond-chip bracelet, picked up a ring. Her ring.
    Gabrielle visibly stiffened. He looked at her again, smiled.
    He held the ring up to the light, and the sun shining through the window bounced off the facets of the sapphire, making rainbow reflections on the wall.
    "Perhaps I'll take this one."
    "No!" Gabrielle exclaimed on a hiss of breath.
    He stared at her. "Why not? Don't you like it?"
    "No . . . yes." She snatched it from his hand. "It isn't for sale."
    He raised one dark brow, challenging her. "Then why display it?"
    Gabrielle shrugged with feigned indifference. "You'll have to ask Monsieur Prion." She ran her tongue over her dry lips. "I really do prefer the ruby myself, monsieur . . . Max."
    He smiled slowly. Then his heavy lids lowered over his eyes until they were almost shut. "Do you? I wouldn't have thought it. Sapphires seem more your style. That one in particular. Did you notice, it matches the color of your eyes."
    Gabrielle shrugged again, clutching the ring tighter in her fist. "I really hadn't noticed."
    He reached into the deep pocket of his velvet coat and pulled out a heavy purse. "I'll have the ruby then. Since the sapphire isn't for sale."
    He dumped out a handful of gold coins, stacking them in a

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