Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five)

Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka Read Free Book Online

Book: Hellbound Warrior: (Dark Warrior Alliance Book Five) by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Trim, Tami Julka
It’s not a coincidence that we happened to enter this bar of all places in this circle,” Rhys asserted.
    “Dammit, Rhys,” Dante growled and Rhys sensed his capitulation. “I don’t like this one bit. We haven’t even begun our fucking mission and already you are throwing a huge curveball into the mix. Alright, genius, how do you propose we sneak her out of here?”
    Rhys watched the angel as she gave the new male instructions. Apparently, he didn’t care for what she’d said because he grabbed hold of one of the chains running from her neck to her wrists, jerking her forward. The angel was no wilting willow as she scowled and yanked her chain from his hand, shoving him away. Rhys liked her spunk, and was glad to see her fight back.
    “The only place we are going to be able to get to her will be in the private chambers,” Rhys offered, lowering his voice so they weren’t overheard.
    “And, where would those be?” Kellen asked, turning his untouched drink in his hands.
    “I have no idea,” Rhys murmured.
    The three of them fell silent as they watched the stage. Rhys sat up straight when he watched the couple head backstage before another couple entered the stage from the same direction. “Backstage. They will take her there after she’s done. It’s our best bet.”
    “And then what? Walk out the front door with her?” Dante countered.
    Rhys smiled at Dante, “No, we’re going to sneak her out the back.”
    “We aren’t going to be able to sneak her through the barrier to the Third Circle, you do realize that, right?” Kellen said suddenly, his face etched with concern.
    “Shit,” Rhys cursed. “We have to find the demon who encrypts the slave bands here. We find them and convince them to remove Illianna’s collar.”
    “We have nothing to barter for what you’re suggesting. Besides, you have no idea if this is even Illianna, Rhys,” Dante replied, questions clear in his direct blue gaze. Rhys understood why the Cambion Lord was questioning him. He was acting way out of character and what they were about to attempt could get them killed. Outside fighting for the realm, Rhys didn’t put his ass on the line like this.
    “We have backpacks full of shit to barter with. And, if they don’t want what we’ve got, then I’ll trade you, Dante. Your cock is legendary, after all,” Rhys chuckled, slapping his friend on the shoulder.
    “You’re the one with Fabio hair. I say we trade you,” Dante laughed, shaking his head in defeat.
    Rhys tensed as he watched the bouncers lead the angel from the stage. “Lock-n-load, boys. It’s show time.” All he needed now was a white horse and a suit of armor.


    Illianna wiped off the wood stool and sank down. Crossing her ankle over her knee, she rubbed her sore, swollen foot. She would have thought that after a hundred years of doing shows nearly every night, her feet wouldn’t ache so much. She knew didn’t have long before Lemuel’s men came to get her so she took the time to enjoy the quiet. It was in moments like these that she was able to recharge her inner strength so she didn’t devolve to the broken spirit they wanted.
    She wasn’t given much freedom, but she used what little time she was given to stay tethered to heaven as much as possible. She needed that connection to her home now more than ever. That brief second when her eyes had connected with an impossibly gorgeous demon had shaken her.
    She wished she was in her field. Early on during her captivity, she had found a meadow where souls were sent to suffer for a hundred years. She went there as often as possible to try and bring those beings a small measure of peace. True happiness wasn’t possible in Hell, but she did what she could.
    She knew from experience joy was unattainable in the Underworld. Even the demons that inhabited the realm were miserable, whether they admitted it or not. She could sense the self-hatred and loathing deep down inside which was why they

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