Hemlock And The Wizard Tower (Book 1)

Hemlock And The Wizard Tower (Book 1) by B. Throwsnaill Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hemlock And The Wizard Tower (Book 1) by B. Throwsnaill Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. Throwsnaill
wizards are members of? " she asked.
    " Each circle specializes in a certain area of Magic.  The First Circle learns about the art of b attle and its members often leave the tower.  The Second Circle studies the use of magic as a tool for replacing human labor .  The Third Circle specializes in the harnessing and storage of magical energy . "
    Hemlock noted that the Third Circle might relate to what was happening to the magic in the Warrens.
    " The Fourth Circle ," continued Merit , " specialize s in Illusion.  The Fifth Circle research es how to enhance their bodies with magic.  The Sixth Circle specializes in cataloging magical spells.  Finally , the Seventh Circle wizards take the work of the other circles and apply it to secret research.  They are the masters of the Tower and are seldom seen . "  
    Merit had delivered the description of the circles of the wizards in a monotone as if it was being recited verbatim from memory rather than being derived from any understanding of the subject matter.
    Hemlock felt daunted by the descriptions of the functions of the wizards .  Hearing more about them had made their power seem more tangible to her. 
    She put her concerns aside though and focused on her need to figure out a means to get to the seventh floor without attracting attention. 
    A thought sprung into her mind unbidden: e ven one Wizard would probably be a match for me–especially here in their inner sanctum.
    " Merit, is there any connection betwe en the w izards of the Third Circle and the Seventh Circle?  Why is the atrium on the seventh floor? " she asked, hoping that the compound question would not be too complex for the seemingly simple creature .
    " I’m afraid I’m not sure , Miss Megan ," replied the Gnome after much thrashing of gears in its cranial area .
    Taking another tack, s he considered that Merit probably had a schedule of duties.  She tried to prioritize the many questions that sprang into her head as she pursued this line of thinking .
    "Merit , what is the best way to get to the seventh floor undetected?" she asked, hoping that this direct question would result in a meaningful answer .
    Merit responded after his head evidenced m ore furious spinning of gears and another puff of smoke , which emanated from his ear: " Miss Megan, I think I know what you mean but I’m not used to thinking like that.  I just go where I need to go , when I am told to go.  I have never considered doing other than what I am told. "
    Hemlock had a sudden inspiration.
    "Have you been told to report strangers in the Tower? " she replied.
    " No , Miss Megan. "
    She felt relieved and concluded that a pparently the wizards were as arrogant as she had expected.
    "Then you’re not going to tell anyone that I’m here ?" she asked leadingly.
    " If I am asked, I will have to tell– I will not be a ble to keep it from the wizards," Merit replied , sounding a bit dejected at the prospect.
    " But what if they don’t ask you? "
    " Then I will not tell them .  I never speak unless spoken to or instructed to by prior training. "
    " And you hav en’t been trained to report intruders ? " she pressed , wanting to be certain .
    " No , Miss Megan. "
    " Are there others like you in the Tower? "
    " Yes , there are. "
    " How many? "
    "One per floor of the Tower."
    " So you ar e assigned to the first floor.  But we’re on the second? " she thought aloud .
    " I share the maintenance of the Oberon pumping machines with Number Two .  I also work in the atrium with Number Seven."
    " When does Two come to these rooms? " she hurriedly asked.
    " He will be here in approximately four minutes," r esponded Merit.
    S he began to speak faster then .
    " Merit, when do you g o to the atrium to work?"
    " We clean it once per evening and check on the machines there," Merit replied without any apparent recognition of her new tone of urgency .
    " Merit can you destroy the machin es in the atrium for me?" She asked, knowing that this was a

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