Her Black Heart (The Dark Amulet Series Book 2)

Her Black Heart (The Dark Amulet Series Book 2) by A.J. Norris Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Her Black Heart (The Dark Amulet Series Book 2) by A.J. Norris Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.J. Norris
or whatever anymore, I’m sure it’s fine.” She urged him forward with her hand then glanced back. “Come on.”
    Reluctantly, Aza joined Julia, lagging behind her in case he needed to run. Although he didn’t consider himself a coward, this realm proved to be full of surprises he hadn’t anticipated. Mainly, being attracted to Julia, her jeans hugging her bottom in a delicious way ( quit that , you stupid goat ), oh, and discovering everything for the first time, although the city gave him déjà vu.
    All the talking brought the attention of the angel. He watched them as they approached. The angel’s brows rose while they walked past him, but he didn’t move from his lean against the wall, nor did he uncross his arms. Aza kept his focus on the angel and continued to eye the winged one by turning his head.
    Julia knocked on the apartment door, three down from where the angel stood. There was no answer so she rapped on the door again. Still no answer, although Aza sensed someone in the dwelling. “Someone’s in there.”
    She pounded on the door with the heel of her hand. “Come on, Bryant. I know you’re in there!” She grabbed the door knob and twisted.
    Aza looked and saw the angel had stepped into the middle of the hallway and cocked his head at them.
    The door creaked open. “It’s unlocked,” she whispered. “Not a good sign.”
    Julia sighed. “Do I really have to explain why?” They entered the apartment. “Oh, man…” She crept over the threshold and he followed in her path. She stopped suddenly and he ran into her back.
    He hissed. “Can’t you warn me if you’re going to stop like that?”
    “Or maybe you could not shadow me,” she snapped back.
    Aza took a deep breath. She had a point.
    “Will you look at this place?”
    He scanned the area. The furniture was torn apart, a lamp was tipped onto its side on the floor and looked broken, books and magazines littered the floor. Aza sniffed. Blood. He ran through the apartment searching for the source. A trail of red dots led down a hallway. The door to the bathroom was slightly open. Two shoes stuck out into the hall. “Shit…Julia.”
    “What is it?” she asked, brushing past him. “God dammit. Bryant, you fucktard, you better not be dead.” She squatted down next to him and looked him over. A pool of blood had formed under his head. His throat had been slit.
    “He’s still breathing,” Aza said.
    She leaned over his face. Bryant’s eyes went wide and he shook his head. “No…no…” he mouthed. Air trapped in the back of his throat. His hands twitched and his face became paler, if that was even possible.
    “Oh, quit freaking out. I’m dead, asshole. But not dead enough. Where’s the necklace you stole from me?”
    His mouth opened but he didn’t say anything. Bryant looked at Aza.
    Julia grabbed him by the shirt and lifted his torso off the floor. “Where’s my amulet?” The man smiled, revealing reddish teeth. He coughed and wheezed.
    “I don’t think he has it,” Aza told her.
    “Yes, he does! Where is it?” She shook Bryant. When his eyes looked toward the door she shoved him back down. “Is it still here?”
    The bleeding man could no longer answer her; his eyes glazed over and became fixed. He was dead.
    “Dammit, now what?” Julia stood up and washed her hands in the sink. She opened a cabinet over the basin and riffled through it, pushing bottles off the shelves. “Well, it’s not in there. Come on, let’s look for clues or something.” Aza blocked the doorway. “Excuse me.”
    He stepped aside. Despite the strong coppery smell, he got a whiff of her hair as she walked past him.
    “What clues do you hope to find?” he asked when he joined her in the kitchen.
    “I dunno. Anything that might help. I don’t think Bryant gave Maurice the amulet yet.”
    “Why do you think that?”
    “Because he smiled at me and looked into the hall.”
    Aza’s forehead crinkled. He wasn’t

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