Her Doctor Daddy

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Book: Her Doctor Daddy by Shelly Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Douglas
a point of checking his ring finger. The rumors were that he was divorced, but she still felt the need to witness the absence of a wedding band.
    “My gut tells me that this was a random creep just getting his kicks trying to scare someone. The only thing I’m interested in right now is that you get home safe and sound,” he said, his calm voice attempting to abate her fears. “And there will be no more walking home alone. If you don’t have a ride, I’ll drive you myself. Does your sister bring you to work in the evening?”
    “Yes, sir,” she said, amazed at her own words. The only place she’d heard that type of conservative response was on television.
    Dr. Morales certainly seemed pleased with her respect toward him, and she reveled in the fact that someone wanted to protect her. Lexi’s biological dad hadn’t exactly showered her with fatherly love, and it warmed her heart to see genuine concern in the doctor’s expression. The doctors in the emergency room worked long hours, and stories circulated about how egotistical they were, but he seemed different.
    She watched him rub a palm over his tired, bristly face. “You look exhausted, Lexi,” he said with a hint of weariness, stroking the back of his neck. “Since we had such a busy night—I’m wondering if you had a chance to eat anything?”
    “No, but the tray of bagels brought in by the morning shift looked mighty inviting. Do you think they’d mind if I grab one?”
    “Better yet, why don’t we stop at IHOP for breakfast? And then I’ll make sure you get home safely.”
    Lexi smiled. “You won’t have to ask me twice.”

Chapter Eight
    Dr. Morales and Lexi got comfortable in a corner booth of the restaurant as their waitress handed each of them a colorful laminated menu.
    “The breakfast specials are on the back. Do you want a minute to look them over?” the tall young woman asked, chewing a mouthful of bubblegum. “And coffee for both of you?”
    “Yes, thank you very much,” Raul answered in a quiet tone.
    Lexi put her menu down and fished through her purse, successfully locating a box of Kool Super Longcigarettes that had a pack of matches snugly stuffed under the cellophane. “Could you please pass me that ashtray over there?”
    His gentle, sweet face instantly morphed into a disapproving, stern one. “No, I will not.”
    “Excuse me?” she asked, defiantly moving upward to reach for the curved glass tray.
    “Sit back down and listen very carefully.”
    Pressing her lips together, she contritely sank into the booth and set the green and white labeled box on the table, waiting for the familiar you shouldn’t smoke lecture.
    “Those long white sticks are toxic, and as someone who is dedicated to saving lives, it goes against my grain to watch you inhale one. Are you not aware of the dangers?” he asked, tilting his head.
    “I don’t smoke all the time. Normally, I’ll have one with a cup of coffee in the morning, and a couple when I’m in a bar having a Tequila Sunrise on the weekend,” she defended, with a dramatic wink.
    His brow furrowed as he bent forward. “How old are you, Lexi?”
    “I’ll be twenty-one in June,” she said, demonstrating her sassiest eye roll.
    He crossed his arms and frowned. “Which means you’re not of age to be consuming alcohol in the State of Florida. Wait, let me guess, someone made you a fake ID while you were in college, so you could get into bars?”
    Crossing her arms to mirror his, she bravely met him nose to nose. “The last time I checked, you weren’t my father.”
    “Then I would consider this your lucky day. Because if you were my daughter, I’d take you across my knee right now and give you a good hard spanking.”
    “Jesus.” While a strange emotion stirred deep inside her belly, Lexi’s face reddened with embarrassment as she slouched back into her original position.
    “Should we continue to get to know each other better, or would you rather I just take you

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