Her Montana Man
Royce replied, but the words and his tone didn’t hold much sincerity.
    Jonas didn’t like the impression he was getting. “I believe I’ll finish my coffee now.” He turned to Eliza
    Jane. “Miss.”
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    “It’s probably cold,” she told him. “I’ll get you a fresh cup.”
    “No bother. I’ll help myself.”
    Eliza watched his broad back in the black coat as he descended the stairs. She sensed Royce’s
    displeasure and heard him step closer. “He’s not our kind, and he’s not welcome in this house again.”
    She frowned, but didn’t look at his face. “We don’t turn away kind folks who call to pay their respects.
    He’s a perfect gentleman.”
    “He’s a slimy opportunist.”
    “What are you talking about?” Turning away, she headed for Jenny Lee’s room. She and Nora had
    already cleaned it and replaced all the bedding with new, except for the wedding ring quilt that had been
    Jenny’s favorite. It lay folded over the foot of the bed. The sight made Eliza catch her breath.
    She ignored the overwhelming recollections the room stirred up and went directly to the bureau, where
    she pulled open the second drawer. The wooden box that held Jenny Lee’s jewelry was gone. She
    looked under delicately scented scarves and handkerchiefs that tried to evoke more memories, but there
    was no jewelry box. Puzzled, she opened and searched each drawer.
    Dawning realization kicked her heart into a frantic rhythm. She gave the room a quick once-over and
    then ran back into the hall.
    Royce lounged on a chair that stood alongside a table with a vase. With a smug gaze, he watched her
    “Where is Jenny’s jewelry box?”
    “Why, it’s in safekeeping, of course.”
    “I want to give the jade necklace and earrings to Nora.”
    He gave a snort of disgust. “Where would that old bag wear jewelry like that?”
    Heated anger built in Eliza’s chest. “It’s of no concern to you where she would wear it or if she wore it
    at all. It’s a gesture of appreciation. Nora cared for Jenny Lee as tenderly as a mother would have. She’s
    like family to us. I want to give her a token of some sort. Something sentimental.”
    “She’s not family. She’s not anything to us. Jenny Lee’s belongings are not yours to disperse.”
    “That necklace was our mother’s. I want Nora to have it.”
    Royce moved so quickly that Eliza had no warning. Grasping her upper arms, he pushed her against the
    wall. “Don’t defy me, dear sister. Not now. Not ever.”
    He sidled closer, pressing his thigh between hers.
    Eliza struggled to escape, but he raised one hand to her throat and applied enough pressure to cut off her
    air. “This isn’t a game. There are no choices. You’re going to marry me. What was Jenny Lee’s is mine,
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    and what was yours will be mine.”
    Her blood pounded in her ears, and she struggled for a much-needed breath. Royce pushed until the
    bones of her pelvis ached from being pressed between his body and the wall. “Let…go of me,” she
    managed in a hoarse whisper.
    He lowered his face close, and she turned hers aside to avoid him. He touched his nose to her cheek.
    “Don’t concern yourself with how I handle things from now on.”
    Eliza used all her strength to slowly twist sideways, forcing a space between their bodies. When Royce
    eased away a fraction, she lunged her knee upward between his legs as hard as she could. The contact
    was swift and solid.
    He yelped and released her, doubling over in pain. “You’re going to be sorry for that,” he said on a
    groan, but at the moment, his words didn’t hold much conviction.
    She couldn’t shake the descending worry that Jenny Lee’s jewelry wasn’t the only thing he’d taken. She
    turned and ran to the end of the hall and up the stairs into the attic. Light streaming in through the

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