HH01 - A Humble Heart
work and Edward was refusing their help. "It's a man's job," he said with a smile
    and a wink.
    They watched with humor until the little plastic belt snapped off. Then Dana cringed. Something like this would have set
    her ex off. Actually, Jeff would have started bitching and yelling a few minutes ago when he couldn’t get the belt to cooperate.
    Unfortunately the kids remembered all too well how their father behaved even if they hadn’t seen him in almost a year.
    Elizabeth gasped and cringed away, expecting Edward to start yelling and blaming them and Dana for the carriage’s
    incompetence. Cole sat there silently crying. Before Dana could sweep in and take Cole into her arms Edward was there.
    He smiled warmly at Cole as he gently picked him up and out of the carriage. Cole cringed, expecting to be on the
    receiving end of Edward’s anger. His father had only hit Cole one time and that had been one time too many. Thankfully by then
    they were already separated. She took a picture of Cole’s back and had the police have a word with the oversized bully.
    “Guess we’ll have to get another carriage, buddy,” Edward said casually as he wiped the tears off of Cole’s cheeks. Cole
    nodded as Edward placed him into another carriage and finally managed to belt him in. Then the men high fived each other and
    Cole was back to smiling.
    “So, what now?” Edward asked.
    When he asked to join them, no, correction, for her to teach him how to shop, she thought he was kidding. Now she wasn’t
    so sure.
    “You really don’t know how to shop?” she whispered, trying not to embarrass him.
    He gave her a sheepish smile and a shrug. “No.”
    “Really?” She couldn’t hide her shock. He was in his mid twenties. By twelve she'd been doing all the household
    shopping for a year.
    “When I was a kid Amy used to go with our mom. I never wanted to. I lived at home up until a few years ago.” Another
    shrug. “I was never around long enough to need an apartment or house of my own. I was always filming. Since I bought my
    house," another shrug, "well, I’m still not there much, but when I am I usually have a service that does it for me or my mother or
    sister does it for me.”
    “Oh.” She thought that over. Then frowned. “If they do it for you then why do you want to learn? I don’t mind showing
    you, but I am curious.”
    He sighed heavily. “The service isn’t reliable and sometimes they charge me and never bring the food so I’m stuck with
    nothing to eat or drink. Worse if they do remember to actually do it they forget half the stuff. When my family does it they
    completely ignore what I want and buy what they like.” He grimaced. “I’m getting sick of fat free yogurt and diet corn flakes
    and tomato juice. I swear Amy always forgets that she’s not buying for herself.”
    “Ah, gotcha,” Dana said, smiling. She’d hate to have a houseful of food that she didn’t want.
    “I can help!” Cole cried out.
    “Me too!” Elizabeth piped in, acting less shy.
    Edward smiled at the children. “Alright guys, let’s get this done.”

“Mommy, he’s silly!” Cole giggled.
    Dana had to agree as she watched Edward lovingly pick up a box of cookies and place them in his carriage. He paused
    and then grabbed two more packages.
    He sent her a lopsided grin. “Don’t laugh, woman. You’d be drooling too if it had been years since you had your favorite
    “I can’t argue that,” Dana agreed as she placed a different package of cookies in her carriage for the kids. Then she
    grabbed a package of his favorite cookies and added them. He raised a quizzical brow in her direction. “For the trailer,” she
    said, earning a grin from him.
    “What now?” he asked, looking both lost and eager.
    Cole turned in his seat and studied the options. He pointed ahead. “Milk.”
    “Milk it is then, buddy." Edward pushed the carriage over to the milk section while Dana followed behind with her

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