Diaries and journals being just so last (20th) century. Cool and kinda retro! I assumed they thought, no one as smart as our son would be dumb enough to write down his thoughts. Deep breath.
four FUCKING words
There. My hand feels looser now. I could never have written those words in the hospital. I could never have spoken those words. Deceitful notebook. I could rip this one to shreds and flush it, but I don’t because then I’d really be alone. I’ll vomit my thoughts and
this dumb-ass notebook—
I’ll flush it. Attn. notebook: You’re safe. But when I’m done with you, you’re D-E-A-D. Dumb-Ass Word Turd, I’ll LMAO and flush—
forget it
i have to forget the hospital for right now because i do not know—the silver door. i can see me. well, not really me. more, a dark shape in the surface. the blot is more like a ghost. i am the ghost looking at its reflection. startled to see how he looks. real but not.
I reread the words. They make perfect sense.
i feel—
The pen stops. Feelings? Mine are global and quickly expanding. Chaos, soon to equal those of creation. Deep breath. My alma mater, Serenity Ridge,
There, feelings were like yesterday’s trash, a chore. Your job was to stuff them in a plastic bag, tie the top and take them out to the curb. Problem was, the psychic trash collector never showed. Budget cuts.
I can’t write about my feelings, because there’s
feeling that makes sense. At Serenity Ridge, I was “taught.” Who am I kidding? I wasn’t taught; I was brainwashed. For months, someone told me what to feel. But here, alone in the women’s room, with a kazillion chaotic feelings (and germs), the real problem is feeling what
feel. Or … Everything. For a moment, I consider hopping off the seat, diving into the toilet and flushing myself.
Get A Grip
what do you feel?
IDK. IDK. IDK. I. Don’t. Know. Answer Fail. I’m the one asking the question.
i am afraid. what will happen to me? this is so damn scary. i am hungry. “wait.” but for who? “someone”
Now I remember why I chose to use journals in the first place. Class assignment, one. But more, I needed to tell
MyStory. I was both audience and actor. If I could make sense of my life, then … If I could—can—tell myself a story, I could—will—survive.
i will write about serenity ridge. but I will write about middle school. i remember, I walked down the hallway. there were so many people. a blur. faces. all i had to do was get through the day and i would be okay. i am fourteen. i am in ninth grade at _______
I pause. Write.
i might be queer
Tap tap, knock knock.
Oh, shit! I’ve been found! “Hey, you in there?” A girl’s voice. “Ben?” Ben? Who’s Ben? Oh, yeah. Takes me a second, then I remember.
I. Am. Ben. Ben is me. The new me. The Ben Me. The Ben-E-me of Ahmed. Parry, thrust, Ben stands over Ahmed. Triumph! Long live Ben! Etc. I lift my shirt and slide the notebook underneath.
“Yeah? Who’s that?”
“C’mon, move it,” she says, “open up. We don’t have much time.”
I lift the latch and open the door. Short and fat, Miss “C’mon Move It” wears Chunky, Nerd Girl glasses and rumpled clothes. She smiles. “Ben?”
“Ah—” I catch myself, reminding myself to say my new name. “
I am Ben.” I sound so FOB (fresh off the boat) but then, I guess I am. Except in my case, it’s fresh off the bus.
“Hi, I’m Marci.”
She turns and I follow her out the exit, down another hallway and into a stairwell.
An alarm goes off. Except, I know it’s not a fire but me they’re looking for. I am the emergency. I was so close. I want to go back, have a moment with john. I really needed a private moment, to take a dump.
” she says, calm, like she rescues runaways on a daily basis. Like a movie, everything shifts to—
He’s farther back, as I—
Pull out in front. I
Tanya Ronder, D. B. C. Pierre