Hidden Kiss (Love Is The Law 2)

Hidden Kiss (Love Is The Law 2) by Isabella Brooke Read Free Book Online

Book: Hidden Kiss (Love Is The Law 2) by Isabella Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabella Brooke
done - the crap he's heaped on my family. From getting Elaine pregnant, to
running out on her, to the crimes we fell into."
    She bit her tongue. It took two to get pregnant, for a
start. Elaine had been a willing partner in that. True, Riggers had then played
away behind her back, but that was hardly unusual.
    Turner voiced her thoughts about the crimes. "Although
I suppose, I cannot blame him for the crime stuff. I was stupid to listen to
him in the first place. But as for the rest…"
    She shook her head but continued to hold her counsel. She
could feel him becoming tense in the way his arm muscles twitched, and his
breathing had speeded up. "I just wanted to rip his head off," he
told her. "When I saw him. But Elaine seems all… safe… with him. I was
surprised about that."
    "What? That she was safe?"
    "That she wanted to be. I thought she was happy on her
    "They say you have to be happy on your own first before
you can be happy with anyone else."
    " They being…? Glossy magazines, I assume. Or
some blog."
    "Well, yes."
    Turner nuzzled his nose into the back of her scalp, tickling
her. "You're not safe."
    His arms tightened around her and she play-fought back.
    "You're not safe from me."
    His lips moved along the back of her neck. Electricity
seemed to jump along her skin and she writhed, trying to move so she could face
him. He relaxed his grip momentarily but sprung upon her as she inched around.
    "No, you're quite, quite vulnerable."
    Her reply was stopped by another kiss, this time deep and
passionate, almost so strong that her head was forced backwards as he ground
himself down upon her. She tried to push him back but her hands slipped around
his body instead, pulling him closer to her, until they tumbled on the sofa and
he was above her.
    He sat up, his legs either side of her, one braced on the
floor and the other tucked up along the cushions. She was sprawled on her back
and her heart was hammering as she looked up at him.
    "Emily… do you want me to take it slowly? I can stop. I
can even go home."
    "Please don't go…"
    "Should we stop?"
    She reached up and pulled him down towards her, wriggling so
that she could lift her legs and wrap them around his thighs, pinning him on
top of her.
    "Let's leave it all behind," she told him.
"Let's not stop. Not now, not ever."
    His pelvis was like a rock against her belly and he kissed
her again, and again, until she was almost panting with need.
    "The problem is this. It's been a while, Emily. It's
going to be over very quickly…"
    "The first time, yes," she agreed. "But then
you can take me through to the bedroom and we'll do it all again, only
slower." She pushed her hips up against him and he groaned.
    "Oh my word," he whispered, beginning to gyrate.
"Who cares that you can't cook?"
    They kissed again and the candles had hardly burned down
much further before he was carrying her, naked, through to the bedroom, and
they began to get to know each other again. And very thoroughly.

Chapter Three
    The staffroom smelled horribly of damp. It had hit Emily as
soon as she'd walked in on her first Monday morning, but as she was being shown
around the premises, she politely didn't mention it. As the list of her duties
was unfurled throughout her induction day, she quickly realised that she'd be
unlikely to have any spare time to use the facilities anyway. She'd be lucky to
get a break for a cup of tea.
    Happily for her health and sanity, the other staff had more
balanced views. On the second day, as she drowned in new tasks and unfamiliar
work procedures, Polly, a student social worker, perched her expansive bottom
on the edge of Emily's desk and said, "You've not moved for three
    Emily sighed and stretched. "There's so much to do! My
head is bulging."
    "You only started yesterday, pet. You'll not achieve
owt by burning out in your first week. Fancy a brew?"
    "I'd love one. But…"
    Polly stood up and crossed her arms, standing like a

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