lways planning.
T he warm rays of the morning sun foun d Jack at his desk banging out Part T wo of his blog s
series , “The
Growing Evil on Planet Earth.” He would have
loved to share his experience with the angel , but he knew better. That
would have to wait for another day. Maybe
Part Twenty , he thought with a
smile. His
mission was to reach as many people as possible with the truth about paranormal
activity , and
he had only just begun to scratch the surface.
Two: The Spir it of Lawlessness and
Jack Bennett
read in II Thessalonians 2:3-7 that a spirit of lawlessness and rebellion is coming. It reads: Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will
not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the
man doomed to destruction.
the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds
it back will continue to do so until he is taken out of the way .
Greek word for rebellion is apostasia and is actually the source of our English word apostasy. It
means the defection from truth or falling away from the truth.
In our
world today, we have a great rebellion underway. Our government is moving
further and further away from truth and has successfully removed God from our
schools and our workplaces. Others within our government are covertly
attempting to remove God from our currency and from all public buildings. But
the real issue is about us - you and me. Where are we in all this? Evil is
rising up all over the world. Are we praying? Do we believe in prayer anymore?
Does prayer really work or is it just a desperate attempt to console ourselves
when nothing else works?
Terror groups are
getting more ruthless, their attacks more brazen. Every
few weeks, right when one extremist group is dominating the news with threats
of attacks, another surfaces with a different, more harrowing claim.
released a video urging it s sympathizers to attack malls in
the United States, the UK, and Canada. The same day, ISIS had one showing its
members parading caged captives down the streets of Iraq. This is only the
latest in its string of atrocious videos.
Then there's the
ever-present threat of al-Qaeda, the brutality of the Boko Haram, and the
looming Taliban. Did you know the United States has a list of 59 designated terror groups?
Folks , we need to pray. Prayer moves the hand of God. Join with me and let’s make a
commitment to ask God to help us tear down the strongholds of the evil around
the world and in our own country.
The apostle Paul tells
us that we have the power to demolish evil strongholds , so let’s get together and make a difference. Yes, prayer works .
The problem is not God - it’s you and me .
Until next time,
Jack Benne tt
Jack hit the enter key
and the update was posted. His face was still glow ing
from his meeting with Conni - it was wonderful and uplifting. He
was looking forward to meeting her prayer group later tonight. He was so blown
away that they had been praying for him when they didn’t even know who he was
or what he was about to face. He thought that kind of supernatural intervention was so cool.
On the flip side of
things , he had been thinking about what Frank had said about the waitress at CJ’s, Emily. He had kept himself
so busy that he never gave dating much thought. The thought actually scared him out of his mind. There had been a few women over the years
but certainly nothing too serious. Of course there was one ,
but that was years ago. He didn’t talk about that much .
I n fact he never talked about it. She would have been the one , if it weren’t for a cold rainy night fifteen years ago when a drunk driver took
her out of his life for good. After that , he buried himself in his work and if it hadn’t been for his relationship with
the Lord , he might not have made it at all. The
only good that came out of it was that it deepened his r elationship