His Every Need

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Book: His Every Need by Terri L. Austin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri L. Austin
his phone as he spoke.
    She sat at the opposite end of the table, as far away from him as she could get. Arnold
     waited by a sideboard.
    “What would you like for breakfast, miss?”
    Trevor set aside his phone and looked up. “Give her some of everything, Arnold.”
    She glared at him. “Hey, English, I’m in the room, and I can answer for myself.”
    He quirked a brow. “You’re a bright little ray of sunshine this morning, Miss Campbell.
     And do sit next to me. We have things to discuss and I feel as if I’m looking at you
     from across a football pitch.”
    With a sigh, she moved down the length of the table, but before she could pull out
     a chair, Arnold was there, pulling it out for her.
    Frances placed a cup of steaming coffee on the table, and Arnold gave her a full plate
     of bacon, eggs, sausages, and toast. She smiled at them. “Thank you.”
    “That will be all for now,” Trevor said. “You’ve got quite a fan club going, you know.”
     He nodded toward the door that Frances and Arnold had exited.
    “I’m sure they like all your mistresses.” She didn’t look at him as she placed her
     white linen napkin on her lap.
    “Perhaps. And while the top of your head is as delightful as the rest of you, eyes
     on me.”
    Picking up a piece of toast, she lifted her head. “Yes?”
    “You need to sign these.” He set a stack of papers in front of her. “My lawyer put
     these helpful little pink strips to show you where.”
    She dropped the toast and wiped her hands. After eyeing the papers with suspicion,
     she peered up at him. “What are they?”
    “You said you wanted everything in writing. This states that I’m paying off all your
     family debt and in exchange, you will grant me whatever favors I desire.” Holding
     the pen, he smiled. “No matter how perverse.”

Chapter 4
    Allie gasped. “It does not say that.”
    “Read it if you don’t believe me.”
    She could, but what difference would it make? That’s exactly what she was doing: giving
     him sexual favors in return for money. Basically, she was attesting to the fact that
     she was a whore. She snatched the pen from his hand and signed next to all the pink
    “Excellent.” He handed her the BlackBerry he’d been fiddling with. “I’ve programmed
     in my numbers.” He reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out
     a credit card. “And I have a personal shopper waiting for you. Simmons will take you
     anywhere else you need to go.” He scanned her Get Lucky in Vegas T-shirt. “I took the liberty of compiling a list.”
    “You did what?” she asked, still reeling from the sex contract. Now he was going to
     dictate what she wore? “You made me a shopping list?”
    He pushed back from the table. “No appreciation necessary. Seeing you in a natural
     fiber will be thanks enough.” He scooped up the papers she’d signed and patted her
     head as he left the room.
    “Wait,” she called, but he didn’t come back. Damn him.
    She rubbed the top of her head where he’d patted her. Allie was getting tired of his
     condescension. But what could she do about it? She’d just signed papers to make her
     role official. She couldn’t back out now.
    Maybe that’s why he hadn’t wanted sex last night. Maybe he was waiting to get all
     the details down in legalese.
    Fingering the embossed numbers on the credit card, she frowned. Some women would kill
     for this opportunity, to live here, to have all their expenses paid—to have sex with
     Trevor Blake. She wasn’t one of them.
    She tucked the card in the pocket of her jeans. Then, plucking a strip of bacon from
     her plate, she went to find Simmons.
    Allie had the blond chauffeur drop her off at home first. While he remained in the
     car, she let herself inside. Since she was rarely home by herself during the day,
     she stood in the living room, taking in the quiet—except for the high-pitched whine
     of the refrigerator. Somehow, her dad never got

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