His Reluctant Lady

His Reluctant Lady by Ruth Ann Nordin Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: His Reluctant Lady by Ruth Ann Nordin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin
replied. “My sister has a passion for adventure, for trying
new things.”
    “ Do you?” He turned to
Sophie in what Agatha hoped was sincere interest.
    “ Yes,” Sophie slowly
    When her sister didn’t continue, Agatha
added, “She also rides horses.”
    “ I love horses,” Lord
Clement replied, his countenance brightening considerably. “There’s
a sense of freedom in riding them, don’t you agree?” he asked
    “ I don’t know if I ride them
as often as my sister does.”
    Agatha’s smile grew tight and she
forced herself to relax. It wouldn’t do good to show any unease.
Granted, her sister hadn’t ridden a horse in a couple years, but
she did often in childhood. She let out what she hoped was a
carefree laugh. “My sister is teasing you, my lord. She is a
natural rider. Graceful, even. And horses are wonderful
    “ Yes, they are,” Lord
Clement agreed. “I have a couple horses. Perhaps we can all go for
a ride in Hyde Park.”
    “ What a splendid offer!”
Agatha sent her sister a pointed look.
    “ Oh, yes, of course,” her
sister quickly added.
    “ Will you be coming along?”
Agatha asked Lord and Lady Roderick, thinking if they joined them,
then she’d have someone to talk to while Lord Clement and her
sister talked.
    Lady Roderick shifted and bit her lower
lip but nodded. “I suppose one horse ride would be all
    “ My wife isn’t as familiar
with horses as the rest of us,” Lord Roderick said and smiled at
her. “But I’ll be by her side to make sure no harm comes to
    After they agreed to meet in a couple
days, they decided to return to the ball. Agatha couldn’t be more
pleased with the way the conversation ended. Lord Clement was the
perfect gentleman for her sister. And she was sure that, in time,
her sister would realize it, too.

    Chapter Six
    It took an agonizing fifteen minutes,
but Lord Roderick finally left Claire’s side. Ignoring the other
people in the ballroom, Christopher quickly approached her before
he lost his chance to talk to her.
    He bowed and extended his hand. “May I
have a dance with you, my lady?”
    She nodded and joined him with the
other couples who waited for the music to start. When it did, she
asked, “Did you see me talking to Lady Richfield?”
    “ I did. I also noticed you
two went on the veranda with my guardian.”
    “ Yes, we did. It turns out
Lady Richfield is eager to see her sister married to a titled
gentleman. Lord Clement is just as eager to find a wife. If you
wish to spend more time with the lady, then I suggest you help her
secure her sister’s future.”
    His smile widened. “Why, you are
brilliant! And my guardian will be agreeable on this
    “ I should say so. He already
extended an invite for Lady Richfield, her sister, my husband, and
I to go for a horseback ride at Hyde Park.”
    “ Did he say
    “ In a couple days. I expect
the details will be worked out through correspondence.”
    “ Or through me,” he
thoughtfully said as a plan formed in his mind. “Lady Richfield
will be there. You’re certain of that?”
    “ She’ll need to
    “ But you and Lord Roderick
don’t have to be there.”
    “ Lady Richfield requested we
join them.”
    “ Don’t you hate horses, my
    “ They’re not my favorite
    “ Then why should you ride
one?” he asked. “It sounds like needless torture to me.”
    “ I think she wishes to give
her sister and your guardian time to talk, and she can do that
better if she has someone to talk to.”
    “ I’ll tell you what,” he
began, catching sight of Lady Richfield as she and her sister
conversed with a gentleman. Lady Richfield happened to glance in
his direction and he offered her a charming smile. She paused for a
moment then turned her attention back to the gentleman. Though she
chose to ignore him, he saw the slight flush in her cheeks. There
was no denying the attraction

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