Hold Their Peace (Vampire Assassin League)

Hold Their Peace (Vampire Assassin League) by Jackie Ivie Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hold Their Peace (Vampire Assassin League) by Jackie Ivie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Ivie
Tags: vampire romance, vampire series, vampire assassin league, vampire short story
sweat-inducing hot. The drapery was sticking to her in places.
    “Me?” she asked.
    His hesitation was probably due to how she moved her eyes from the blade and got captured again by his gaze. The feeling was incredible. Mesmeric. Enrapturing. Enthralling. It was difficult to make her mouth continue to form words.
    “You’re making...a sword...for me?”
    “Something to, uh. Yes. Do. Something to do.”
    “Oh. Well. If that’s your worry...”
    She let the sentence trail off. She had enough to do with handling every bit of reaction just from saying something so provocative and forward. He was definitely flushing now. The fire highlighted two rosy spots along his cheeks and jaw line. And then the coloration hit his neck. It made her entire body pulse toward him, because heat and all kinds of magnetic impulses made the move inevitable.
    “You may not wish to do this, Darcy.”
    Darcy? He knew her name? When the hell did that happen?
    “Why not?”
    “I’m not sure...I can stop.”
    “Well hell. That’s the least of my problems. Come up with another reason.”
    “You don’t understand. I crave...”
    He didn’t finish. He simply vibrated in place with a motion that nearly matched her trembling. He looked locked in position, showing off all sorts of muscle-bound shadows and valleys. And that was fine with her. And right. And exactly what this fantasy deserved.
    “Yes?” Her sexy voice had changed to the timbre of a husky whisper.
    “You...play with fire.”
    “Well. It was my turn,” she replied.
    His eyes narrowed to slits, sending spiked shadows across his cheeks from his lashes. And then he snarled, showing some really white and really sharp spikes where his canine teeth should be.
    Darcy let out a sigh. “Oh. Come on, Thanos. Don’t do the vampire stuff again. Okay?”
    “Vampire stuff?”
    “Yeah. The fangs. The blood sucking. The ultra-sexy licking. Not again. Okay? I’m still sore from last night.”
    That made him grin, putting elongated fangs on display. And then he reached out, put both arms about her, and brought her right against him. His skin was cool to the touch. Cool? That was insane. They were in a fire-filled room and the instant she touched him, she felt chilled? No way could he feel like he’d been in a refrigerated room.
    “But Darcy. My love. My only love.”
    Oh. She was in trouble now. He said the l-word. Twice. And he’d used a whisper that lifted goose bumps down her skin. It also weakened places – like knees, and it sent a slither of feathery reactions all the way through her.
    She’d lost control of the husky, sexy voice. Her response was one word. And it was harsh from coming between pants for breath. This wasn’t happening. She couldn’t lose control in her fantasy. Could she?
    “I am a vampire.”
    Oh shit.

    Okay. She needed a reality check.
    There was no way Thanos was a vampire. No way. They did not exist. But what if they did? Oh shit again. Think Darcy . Thanos couldn’t possibly be a vampire. He didn’t look remotely dead. Or corpselike. And the last thing he appeared was demonic.
    Descriptions flashed through her brain without one bit of asking.
    Vampires were monsters. Demons that animated at night in order to feed off the living. Curst creatures that roamed the earth, looking for victims. Blood sucking fiends. Evil. Immoral. Malevolent. Oh. Wait a minute. Weren’t they also supremely sexy? Able to hypnotize their prey with a smoldering gaze from dark mesmeric eyes?
    Man. Good thing they didn’t exist. Because if they did...she was in major trouble here. Because this Thanos had the sexy part covered. In spades.
    Time warped. The room shifted. Light dimmed. And there wasn’t any stopping this. Darcy was the instigator again, wrapping her arms about his shoulders, threading her fingers through his hair in order to pull his head to her, locking lips...but the sound that resonated outward came

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