Hollywood Bad Boys Club: Book 2: Mason

Hollywood Bad Boys Club: Book 2: Mason by Alexis Adaire Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hollywood Bad Boys Club: Book 2: Mason by Alexis Adaire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Adaire
around, but I didn’t see him as a lover. He got the “let’s just be friends” hint and since then, we’ve gone to the movies together occasionally. Every time, though, he kept teasing me, saying, “You know you’ll come around eventually. I’m going to continue to charm you until you finally give in.” It’s an ongoing joke between us, but I also sense that he’s serious about it.
    His strategy seems to have finally paid off, because now here I am, actually giving in. Standing naked in my bedroom, I’m stumped about what to wear. I’m not trying to seduce this man, so lingerie seems silly. I’m not interested in stilted conversation and drinks beforehand, so getting back into a full outfit makes no sense. I could wear shorts and a tank top, but that strikes me as a little too sex-kitten-y.
    Ideally, I want about an hour of good sex and an orgasm or two. And since I want it to begin as soon as possible after Bobby arrives, I decide to just throw on a silk robe, leaving nothing underneath.
    The doorbell rings. There’s no turning back now — I’m actually going to do this. I realize I’m using Bobby for sex and probably won’t sleep with him again. If he’s really good, I suppose we could be friends with benefits, but I know myself well enough to know there’s a greater chance of this ruining our friendship, such as it is. I’m fine with that. I have enough friends, and right now I just want to feel a man inside of me.
    Bobby looks good in a hoodie, T-shirt and scruffy jeans. I’m glad he didn’t dress up for this. He smells good, too, as he hugs me.
    “So just out of curiosity, what made you change your mind?” he asks.
    Dammit, he’s going to kill the mood. I just know it.
    I stifle a sigh, then say, “Bobby, we’re going to do this on one condition: Do not talk. At all. Don’t say a single word. I will do all the talking.”
    “Ooh, kinky!”
    I immediately press a finger to his lips while glaring at him and shaking my head.
    He grins and nods, then I put a hand on his chest and push him back a couple of feet. Foreplay begins now . I want this man ready as soon as possible. Smiling, I undo my robe, letting it fall off my shoulders to the floor. When he gets over his shock, his eyes quickly assess my naked body, pausing at my breasts, which I’m self-conscious about because they’re on the small side of medium. As his gaze drifts downward, it dawns on me that I don’t even care that I haven’t waxed recently and there’s a short coat of blonde hair there.
    When he takes a step toward me, I slide my fingers under his T-shirt then down the front of his jeans, with the back of my hand against his lower abdomen. I don’t feel any trace of cock at all and hope that’s not a bad sign. Turning, I pull him by the pants across the living room, then down the hall to my bedroom. Once there, I release him and stand back.
    “Take your clothes off,” I command. I make a mental note that forcing a man to remain mute while you order him around is actually kind of hot.
    Bobby complies, then makes the mistake of taking off his pants before his socks, leaving him momentarily wearing navy blue briefs and black socks. Lovely , I think sarcastically. Thankfully he’s quick about removing them.
    His cock is small and not hard at all, so I can only hope he’s a grower. It’s disappointing that my exhibitionistic display didn’t get a rise out of him, though, nor my watching him strip. Determined not to delay this any longer, I take matters into my own hands.
    Then into my mouth.
    I’m relieved that Bobby responds to my lips and tongue, and I feel him growing larger in my mouth. Eventually he reaches a respectable average length. More importantly, though, he’s quite hard.
    “You did bring condoms, didn’t you?” I ask, stroking him to keep him hard.
    Bobby nods and rummages through his pants, fishing a three-pack out of the pocket.
    I climb on the bed and recline, gesturing for Bobby to bring that

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