Holy Shift!

Holy Shift! by Robert Holden Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Holy Shift! by Robert Holden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Holden
recognize them all, nor realize how great your offering to all the world, when you let healing come to you.
    But you are never healed alone.
    And legions upon legions will receive the gift that you receive when you are healed.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 137. 10:1-4.

MAY 18
    Heaven is the decision I must make.
    I make it now, and will not change my mind, because it is the only thing I want.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 138. 12:5-6.

MAY 19
    There is no conflict that does not entail the single, simple question, “What am I?”
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 139. 1:6.

MAY 20
    So do we lay aside our amulets, our charms and medicines, our chants and bits of magic in whatever form they take.
    We will be still and listen for the Voice of healing, which will cure all ills as one, restoring saneness to the Son of God.
    No voice but this can cure.
    Today we hear a single Voice which speaks to us of truth, where all illusions end, and peace returns to the eternal, quiet home of God.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 140. 10:1-4.

MAY 21
    My mind holds only what I think with God.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 141.

MAY 22
    Love is my heritage, and with it joy.
    These are the gifts my Father gave to me.
    I would accept all that is mine in truth.
    Workbook-p I. Lesson 117. 2:2-4.

MAY 23
    God indeed can be reached directly, for there is no distance between Him and His Son.
    His awareness is in everyone’s memory, and His Word is written on everyone’s heart.
    Yet this awareness and this memory can arise across the threshold of recognition only where all barriers to truth have been removed.
    Manual for Teachers. 26. 1:1-3.

MAY 24
    Love’s Arms are open to receive you, and give you peace forever.
    Text-20. VI. 10:6.

MAY 25
    The question, “What do you want?” must be answered.
    You are answering it every minute and every second, and each moment of decision is a judgment that is anything but ineffectual.
    Its effects will follow automatically until the decision is changed.
    Text-5. V. 6:2-4.

MAY 26
    Have faith in only this one thing, and it will be sufficient:
    God wills you be in Heaven, and nothing can keep you from it, or it from you.
    Your wildest misperceptions, your weird imaginings, your blackest nightmares all mean nothing.
    They will not prevail against the peace God wills for you.
    Text-13. XI. 7:1-3.

MAY 27
    There is no order of difficulty in miracles.
    One is not “harder” or “bigger” than another.
    They are all the same.
    All expressions of love are maximal.
    Text-1. I. 1:4.

MAY 28
    It is not danger that comes when defenses are laid down.
    It is safety. It is peace. It is joy. And it is God.
    Manual for Teachers. 4. VI. 1:11-15.

MAY 29
    Those who offer peace to everyone have found a home in Heaven the world cannot destroy.
    For it is large enough to hold the world within its peace.
    Text-25. IV. 4:9-10.

MAY 30
    The song of prayer is silent without you.
    The universe is waiting your release because it is its own.
    Be kind to it and to yourself, and then be kind to Me. I ask but this; that you be comforted and live no more in terror and in pain.
    Do not abandon Love.
    Remember this; whatever you may think about yourself, whatever you may think about the world, your Father needs you and will call to you until you come to Him in peace at last.
    Song of Prayer-3. IV. 10:2-7.

MAY 31
    Wisdom is not judgment; it is the relinquishment of judgment.
    Manual for Teachers. 10. 4:5.


    No one can suffer loss unless it be his own decision.
    No one suffers pain except his choice elects this state for him.
    No one can grieve nor fear nor think him sick unless these are the outcomes that he wants.
    And no one dies without his own consent.
    Nothing occurs but represents your wish, and nothing is omitted that you choose.
    Here is your world, complete in all details.
    Here is its whole reality for you.
    And it is only here salvation

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