Honeymoon for Three

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Book: Honeymoon for Three by Alan Cook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Cook
had the courage to speak to her since he’d been in California?
    It was too late for regrets. It was time for action. He got out of the car, leaving it unlocked for a fast getaway. As he shut the door, he glanced at the sleeve of his grungy sweatshirt. That would never do. He impatiently took off the offending garment and threw it into the backseat. The T-shirt he wore underneath wasn’t quite as grungy. Penny would understand. When they got married, he would look elegant.
    He forced himself to stride briskly to the chapel and up the four concrete steps before he lost his nerve. He opened the glass door and walked inside. Then he stopped short. The reception area was small, but a number of closed doors ranged along the walls. It was a rabbit warren.
    He turned to the receptionist, sitting behind the counter, who anticipated him and asked, “May I help you?”
    “I hope I’m not too late. I got here as soon as I could.”
    “I’m sorry. Are you here to attend a wedding?”
    “Yes.” Wasn’t it obvious?
    “Which one?”
    “ Penny and….” He couldn’t remember his name. “…Gary.”
    “You’re in luck. They’re changing their clothes. Then they have to get their license across the street at one o’clock. They’ll be getting married after that.”
    Alfred felt momentary relief. Then a letdown. Then panic. He had to get out of there before they saw him. He turned and opened the door, calling over his shoulder, “I’ve got to get something to eat. I’ll be back at one.”
    Penny looked at herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw. The knee-length white dress with the fringe was a size eight, something she had never been before as an adult. She wouldn’t put the hat on yet. She wanted to save it for the actual wedding. Something should be a surprise for him.
    She walked out of the dressing room just as Gary walked out of an adjoining one. He looked very handsome in his blue suit and tie and short, sandy hair. If she weren’t convinced before that they were doing the right thing, watching him look fondly at her and feeling his firm grip as he took her hand did it.
    “What a good looking couple you are,” the receptionist said.
    She probably said that to all the hundreds of couples who passed through this wedding mill, but nevertheless, it was nice to hear.
    “Your friend was just here,” that woman continued. “He said he’ll be back at one for the wedding.”
    “Friend?” Penny said, confused. Nobody even knew that they were getting married today, let alone where. She glanced at Gary. He looked equally baffled.
    “He said he just got here. He was dressed a little…informally. Maybe he’s got some other clothes in his car.”
    “Are you sure he’s not here for another wedding?” Penny giggled. “Nobody knows we’re getting married today.”
    “He said the wedding of Penny and Gary.”
    They exchanged bewildered looks.
    “Did he tell you his name?” Penny asked.
    “Can you describe him?” Gary asked.
    “ Well, he’s about your age but quite a bit shorter. He has longish brown hair and a beard. He was wearing a T-shirt and sneakers. And he has a potbelly.”
    “That doesn’t ring a bell,” Penny said.
    Gary shook his head. “I don’t have any friends with beards. Well, if he shows up at one o’clock, I guess we’ll find out. Let’s go get our license.”
    He took her hand, again, and they walked across the street to the courthouse.

    Alfred could see Penny and Gary standing at the top of the courthouse steps across the street, talking to another couple. A couple probably also waiting for a marriage license. The four were partially hidden by one of the marble columns in front of the building. They weren’t looking in his direction.
    He carefully got out of his car and walked back to the chapel, keeping an eye on the foursome. When he entered through the glass door, the same receptionist looked at him. This time she wasn’t smiling. She must have

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