Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Read Free Book Online

Book: Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Juarez
Tags: Romance
    Amy sighed. The hands became bolder, washing her breasts, playing with her body as they caressed her slowly and methodically. Amy moaned. She could feel her core begin to ache. Not in a bad way like before, but in anticipation.
    “That’s right, Amy,” the voice said as she leaned against the hard body behind her.
    One of his hands moved lower and touched her down there.
    “Amy…” he called.
    “Mmmm,” Amy managed to groan.
    He took her hand and guided it to her pussy, showing her how to stroke herself as he continued his caresses and kisses.
    “Touch yourself, Amy. You know what to do,” he said, encouraging her.
    Amy understood the rhythm. She found her sensitive bud and stroked. She moaned as she played with herself, and the hands continued playing with her breasts.
    “Doesn’t that feel good?” he asked as he kissed her neck and shoulders.
    “Oh, yes,” Amy whispered.
    Amy felt her body spasm. She cried out as the spasms gripped her muscles and snapped her nerve endings. It was a sensuous pleasure she had never known until now. She moaned as it occurred to her who the voice belonged to.
    “That’s right, Amy. Come for me,” Gavin said.
    Amy woke up screaming. She was in the middle of her first orgasm. She was breathless as she moved her hand from between her legs.
    “Oh my God,” Amy panted. Her heart was racing at the shock of pleasure that ran through her body. “What is this guy doing to me?”

Chapter 4
    Building 1534, East Runway Hanger
    Randolph Air Force Base, Texas
    Near San Antonio, Texas
    November 15, 2007/1327 Zulu
    Gavin arrived at Randolph Air Force Base as promised. He had dropped Jimmy off at Lackland to find a dog that was available for adoption. Jimmy told him the process would take a while and he was welcome to wait. Gavin begged out, making excuses. Officers in the department did not need to know what he was up to all the time.
    As he walked into the building, he held the door open for a short brunette wearing glasses, who apparently worked in the same building. He wistfully thought of Amy and his date with her tomorrow night. He noticed the brunette walked down the hallway and took a right turn.
    Gavin easily found the Office of the Commander of Naval Special Warfare Group Five. He recalled this group had barely been in the planning stages when he left the Navy. He walked up to the yeoman sitting at the desk.
    “I’m here to see Rock—I mean Captain O’Malley,” Gavin said. Rock’s new title sounded funny to him.
    “Yes, Chief Walsh, the captain is expecting you. Go in,” the young man said.
    Gavin thanked the young petty officer who had crutches propped against his desk and walked into the massive office. Rock was sitting turned away from the door, staring at his computer.
    “What are you doing, Rock?” Gavin asked, smiling.
    “Reading my e-mail, badass,” Rock replied, not quite turning away.
    Rock O’Malley always had his nose buried in something. He studied everything he could lay his hands on. Whatever the Rock was reading would soon turn into military tactical genius. It was interesting that Captain Jack “Rock” O’Malley had started out as a Bronx thug that had been given a choice between prison and the military. That Bronx reject had now become one of the top SEALs in the Navy, second only to the admiral who ran Navy Special Operations Command. Being a master tactician was also why Rock was so successful with women. He had more pussy than he knew what to do with.
    “Yeah? You can read now?” Gavin quipped.
    Captain O’Malley smiled and stood. “I had to learn when I took this job.”
    The two men shook hands and Gavin took a seat in front of Captain O’Malley’s desk.
    “So? What can I do for you?” Rock asked.
    “I guess Mac filled you in?”
    “Yes, he did.”
    “What can you tell me?”
    “Nothing, you know that.” Rock sat back in his chair.
    Gavin had fully expected this answer. “How about a trade?” Gavin

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