Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Juarez
Tags: Romance
San Antonio to retrieve him and his new pet.
    Jimmy was waiting with his new best friend, Kaiser. Gavin signed the requisition as well as the financial paperwork and Jimmy and Kaiser got into the vehicle and the group went home. Jimmy talked most the way home. He was proud of the dog that he had found and was looking forward to training him. He was a whole different person around dogs. Kaiser was mostly trained and almost ready to go. Kaiser, however, could not cut the strict standards that the military had. He apparently had a little digestive problem. Jimmy had figured he could work around it. When they returned from San Antonio, David Ortiz was waiting.
    “Well?” Ortiz questioned.
    “Well what?” Gavin asked.
    “What did you accomplish?”
    “We recruited a new K-9. After he passes the certification test, he can get his badge issued to him.”
    “That’s it? You were in San Antonio and you didn’t go to the field office?”
    “No. Was I supposed to?” Gavin questioned.
    “I figured you would be looking into your boy,” Ortiz said.
    “No. I found out what I needed with the information you gave me.”
    “What was that, exactly?” David demanded.
    “I’m still working on it, Chief.”
    Ortiz turned and left. Since Gavin had arrived, he never felt like he had to always lay his cards on the table. No one person had to know everything he was doing. And his so-called boss did not always need to be in the know. Ortiz had a habit of getting in the way.
    Gavin went home and relaxed in front of the TV. His mind drifted to Amy. He was looking forward to seeing her tomorrow night. He smiled to himself. She wouldn’t be his typical date. She was classy and one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. It was a miracle she had even said yes to him. He knew she wouldn’t be jumping into bed with him on their first date. He had figured that out on their quasi date last night. Despite their first encounter, she really was a lady.
    * * * *
    Amy got home later than she should have. Unexpectedly, she had had to close the library tonight. It was a quarter to ten when she got home. She hadn’t been prepared to stay that long. She decided to have a light snack before she went to bed. She was attempting to diet again. At a size fourteen and five four she was overweight. She never stopped trying to lose weight. She had been this way her whole life. She yo-yo dieted all the time. When she and Tim had been married, he had practically starved her on a regular basis. She would lose weight and then quickly gain it back, most of the time doubling the gain.
    Amy was really stressed out about her date with Gavin tomorrow night. She was a little suspicious that a guy like him would want to be around her. She wondered if it was because of the show he had gotten the week before. She worried about how she would handle any advances that he might make. He had been a perfect gentleman on Wednesday, but in her mind that didn’t mean anything. Tim had been a gentleman for the two years they dated and turned out to be a monster in the end.
    The more Amy dwelled on it, the more she wanted to cancel the whole thing but remembered she didn’t have Gavin’s phone number. By the time she went to bed, she had convinced herself going out with him was the worst thing she could do. Her mind made up, she decided she’d simply call the station in the morning, find him, and blow off the whole thing. She was saddened at having to give Gavin the brush-off. She wanted to share her life with someone, and she seemed to connect with Gavin, but the risk was too great. She didn’t want it to end up the way it had with Tim. She shook her head. It’s better this way.
    The next morning Amy arrived at the library and started her day. She had a couple of things to do before she would call Gavin. Lynn walked into her office in back of the circulation desk and smiled.
    “You ready for your hot date tonight?” Lynn chided.
    Amy didn’t answer. Lynn

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