Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel

Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel by Marissa Monteilh Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Hot Girlz: Hot Boyz Sequel by Marissa Monteilh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Monteilh
few shows coming up and too many models. Not a lot of
requests to book outside of my Simpson Models productions, either. You
understand . . . Okay. Well . . . I’m sorry about that. Listen, you take care.
Bye.” She hung up and put the phone back on the table, looking relieved to be
    Sequoia finally closed her mouth. “Oh,
no she didn’t.”
    “Yes, she did. I dang near hung up on
her. Almost didn’t answer, but I wanted to know what the hell she was up to.”
    “She’s talking to you about her filing
for child support from Torino?”
    Sequoia looked through her papers
again, shaking her head. “That woman. Why is she so desperate after all this
time? It’s like she has a motive that just popped up out of the blue.”
    “I agree. When it comes to her, who
knows?” Mercedes sipped more of her water.
    “And she actually had the nerve to ask
you for work?”
    “She did. She does sound desperate,
you’re right.”
    “Oh well. I don’t know what’s up with
Kyle’s income, but you can’t depend on some back-child support scheme to live
off of.” Goosebumps formed on Sequoia’s skin and she shivered. “Umph. Her name
makes my skin crawl. If Torino is the dad, that chick will be in my life for
the rest of my life. That would be one hot mess.”
    Mercedes said, “The most important
thing is that Kyle Jr. knows who his birth father is. Nothing else.”
    “Well, when we saw that boy years ago
at the restaurant, I think he was barely two, we asked ourselves then why he
didn’t get his parents’ eyes.”
    “Yeah, but you know, brown eyes are
dominate, even if both parents have light eyes.”
    “That boy looked like Torino, light
eyes, brown eyes, purple eyes,” Sequoia said, as though sure. “Actually, Torino
Jr. looked like that when he was younger. I’ve thought about that all this
    “I guess we’ll know soon enough, won’t
we? Maybe it’s good we’re finally getting everything straightened out.”
    “I guess so. Torino got served.
There’ll be a hearing for the paternity and child support.”
    “How’s Torino handling it?”
    “One minute he says the boy might be
his. Then he says he couldn’t be. But then, and this is what I wanted to tell
you . . .” Sequoia leaned toward her friend and spoke lower, “when Colette came
into the club the other night, she told Torino she used sperm from a condom
he’d tossed.” She nodded for emphasis. “Yes she did.”
    “Ewww. No she did not.” Mercedes
turned up her nose.
    “Did. And knowing her, I’m sure she
did that more than one time. That’s so Colette.”
    “Oh Lord.” Mercedes fanned her hands
through the air. “That’s so nasty, is what it is.”
    “Yeah, well, there you have it. Crazy
Colette. And hell, I say we need to check Torino’s crazy level, too. I mean he
hit that repeatedly, even after he knew she was special.”
    “She is that.”
    Sequoia’s assistant approached. “Mrs.
Wilson. Do you need me to hostess the event, or will you?”
    “Oh, I’ll do it. Just have everything
there and ready to go. It won’t be a big party, so I’m fine.”
    “Okay. We’ve got the main course in
the freezer, the meatballs and Shepherd’s pie. And we’ll come back tomorrow to
do desserts and vegetables. And those cheese biscuits.”
    Mercedes licked her lips, acting like
her mouth was watering. Her hand was to her chin. “Dang that sounds good.”
    Sequoia told Mercedes, “I’ll save you
some.” She then told her assistant, “Okay good. Thanks.”
    “Sure.” Her assistant walked away.
    “So, where’s TJ?” Mercedes asked.
    Sequoia looked at her watch and
gathered her things. “Actually, I’m about to run off and get him. He gets out
of pre-school in about thirty minutes.” She got up.
    “Okay.” Mercedes stood with her purse
in hand.
    “I love you, girl. Thanks for coming
    “No problem.” They hugged. “But, hey,
cheer up. You know you can expect some roller coaster rides with

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