Hot Tea

Hot Tea by Sheila Horgan Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hot Tea by Sheila Horgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila Horgan
Teagan piped in with, “That’s what I said.”
I scrunched my lips and did an unintentional, but very convincing, impression of a duckbilled platypus and said, “If the two of you are afraid of poking around on a computer, in the safety of your own home, then you’re boring.  I’m not going to strap on six-shooters and take to the streets.  I’m just going to do a little nosing around, and if I happen to find something, or come up with a brilliant insight, I will contact the proper authorities.  It is my duty as a citizen, is it not?”
“I thought you were doing it for the reward.”  Again with the eyes rolling. 
I swear to you, one of these days, if there is a God in Heaven, those eyes of hers are going to stick like that.  I’ve been waiting for it to happen since she was nine.
“Can I offer the two of you drinks?  Maybe at that little place Suzi showed me down on Butler?  Dinner if you’re hungry.”
Teagan piped up with, “Oh, I couldn’t possibly.  I’m not dressed to go out, just dropped by to try to talk Cara out of this foolish idea.  Actually, my mom sent me.  I’m not fit for public consumption.”
Public consumption?  I couldn’t believe she said that, but AJ seemed to approve.
“To say you look beautiful would be an understatement, I’m sure you aren’t capable of looking anything less than exquisite.”  He did a cheesy bow and hand gesture, complete with eyebrows dancing around on his forehead.  Made us both laugh. 
It was obvious that he knew that Teagan knows that she is gorgeous.  He let her know that he wasn’t going to get bogged down in that.
I liked him more every minute.

I couldn’t believe the name of the place.  The Bricking Café.  What was AJ thinking?  He must not have an Irish bone in his very well developed body.  Brickin’ is Irish slang for being nervous to the point of soiling yourself.  Wonder what that means about him bringing Teagan here. 
Of course, all self respecting Irishmen know what Freud said about us.  Freud said, “This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever.” 
Maybe I’m reading too much into the choice of eateries.  I do that sometimes.  Read more into things than they warrant.
Since I sincerely doubt AJ is Irish, I wonder if the choice of eatery means anything at all.  Maybe it’s just a cosmic hiccup, or maybe it’s the cosmos trying to tell us something.  You have to listen to the cosmos.  It will always do right by you given even half a chance.
We’d walked into the Bricking Café about an hour and a half after AJ’s initial invitation. 
All heads turned. 
Back at the apartment, my sister claimed she’d just thrown on anything before running over to save me from myself, and insisted that she needed to run home and change.  Wouldn’t be caught dead looking such a mess.  Fine.  She was wearing what could easily be my (past) favorite, and most expensive top, and she acted like it was ready for the trash heap.  I’d get her for that one another time. 
You know what they say about the Irish.  The only thing that really lasts is our grudges.  Even the little ones.
In about an hour, Teagan had run home, showered, and changed.  She got to the Bricking in record time.  Amazing what motivation in the form of a male can do for a girl.  Besides, the whole quick-change thing is one of her many talents.
As much as I hate to admit it, and I do hate to admit it, she looked like a movie star.
He, on the other hand, had gone for a more subtle approach.  Who is it?  Maybe Tommy Bahama?  The line of men’s clothing that has those really high quality linen pants? 
The ones that move in a way that makes you wonder just what is going on under there.  He was wearing a pair of those. 
I was wondering. 
He wore a really lightweight crew neck sweater with the sleeves pushed up. 
I know it doesn’t sound like that big of a deal,

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