House of Windows

House of Windows by Alexia Casale Read Free Book Online

Book: House of Windows by Alexia Casale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Casale
consider what the Board of Graduate Studies abbreviates to. Now, let’s do some “getting to know you huddles”. Mathmos, you take that bench down by the river. Natscis, you have the bench by the Fellows’ Garden …’
    The group drifted apart. Nick found himself perching on the wall beside the girl who’d asked about tutors. She offered her hand with a grin. ‘I’m Susie and I’m fully intending to wipe the floor with everyone here, even you. But, seriously, you’ve got to be a genius to be at Cambridge when you’re, what, thirteen?’
    ‘I’ve just turned fifteen, thanks,’ snapped Nick.
    ‘Oh,’ said Susie. ‘Sorry. It’s just—’
    ‘I’m short for my age? Thanks for that.’
    ‘Making friends?’ Tim said, appearing next to them.
    Nick cast him a glare.
    ‘Right, making enemies then. That can work too, you know, as a starting point. Not necessarily the way I’d go but … I’ll leave you to it.’ He wandered away towards the Natscis.
    ‘Hey, sorry about that,’ said Susie, jostling her shoulder against his and making him jump. She heaved an exaggerated huff of a sigh. ‘I wasn’t trying to be mean, all right, so don’t get in a pet. Looks like it’s down to me to be organiser.’ She pushed herself to her feet and blew a sharp whistle that made the loosely clustered group wince. ‘OK, we’ve been told to introduce ourselves, so how about we get in a circle and go around and say our name and something about ourselves?’
    Several people rolled their eyes or muttered under their breath, but they did so while shuffling obediently.
    ‘I’ll kick off, shall I?’ asked a tall boy with a grin that suggested he was used to being admired. ‘I’m Frank – by name if not always by nature. If it’s got something to do with polo, yachting or clubbing, I’m your man.’
    When it got to Nick’s turn, he managed to force out his name, and the fact that he liked reading, without looking anyone in the eye. He let his breath out in relief a moment too soon.
    ‘Hey, you can be like our class mascot, Nick,’ said Frank.
    Susie’s mouth fell open in a little O of distress.
    ‘I’m not hearing much talking over there!’ called Tim.
    ‘We were just …’ Susie trailed off, casting a look of reproach at Frank.
    ‘OK, enough with the huddling. Regroup! There’ll be plenty of time for further introductions tomorrow, while you’re knocking each other off the Matric scaffolding by standing on each other’s robes,’ Tim said, as they gathered around again. ‘Now, if you haven’t got yourself a copy of the Reporter to check your timetable, you’d better go look it up online ’cos, unlike at school, no one is going to know or care if you don’t make it to lectures. Though you will be charged if you miss supervisions without giving notice. And here ends the Tour. Fare thee well and may the rest of Freshers’ Week be filled with joy, merriment and far too much alcohol.’
    ‘Who’s for the pub then?’ asked Frank.
    They set off en masse before Susie realised Nick wasn’tfollowing. ‘Aren’t you … Oh, the pub . Look, I’ll smile sweetly at the barman and I bet it won’t be a problem—’
    ‘I’ve got a meeting anyway,’ Nick interrupted. ‘See you later.’
    ‘See you, Nick.’ She tossed a smile over her shoulder as she marched away to where the others were waiting for her in a little cluster by the Old Library. Nick watched her sail into the lead, the rest trailing after her like ducklings as she led them through the doors by the dining hall. He waited until they were out of sight before making his way back around Latham Lawn, only to collide with Tim as he stepped backwards out of a doorway followed by a very pretty brunette.
    ‘You may look like butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth, but you’re a skunk, Timothy Brethan,’ the girl said, poking him in the shoulder.
    ‘That’s not really fair,’ protested Tim, reaching for her arm. He sighed, letting his hand fall, when

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