Human After All
is not permissible. And I’d like you to undress as you speak.”
    “Of course.” Jaymes let the frock coat slide from his shoulders and down his arms. “These are the infractions that will result in termination of any interaction between yourself and Gentren Metacorp inclusive.” The heavy brocade jacket dropped to the floor in a susurration of crumpling cloth, and Jaymes began working on the studs of his formal shirt. “You may not do damage to this body that will cause permanent scarring or result in disability.” Cuff links went into a trouser pocket, and Jaymes shed the drift of snowy silk to lie atop the coat. “You may not give me any stimulant or depressant of any kind without permission.” Jaymes deftly toed off his knee boots, marring the glossy polish. “You may not keep me longer than the agreed-upon term of contract unless you renegotiate the contract before that time has expired.” The Companion pushed his narrow-cut trousers slowly down long, lean-muscled legs and straightened up with just as little haste. “Of course, the last doesn’t apply since I’m technically not here under contract.”
    “It would be very flattering to believe that, but Londean is so transparent. Don’t worry, I don’t mind the attempt to deceive me. Not only do you intrigue me, Jaymes, but in accepting the gift of your company, I’ve made the Speaker wonder if he knows me at all.”
    “You’re a very intelligent man, that’s no secret.” Jaymes held his arms out from his sides. “And now I have no secrets.”
    “You are….” Once again, Brandel Ampery could not find words adequate to describe his surging emotions at having this perfect creature under his control. “Of course, you know you’re beautiful. You don’t need me to tell you that. What compliment would please someone of your… occupation?”
    Jaymes didn’t think Ampery really cared what pleased a Companion. It was more likely that the man irreverently called the Deep was a little nervous about what he wanted to do with a piece of Bioware and was covering it with talk. “Speaker Londean asked me to keep you company as a favor, but I wouldn’t have said yes if I hadn’t wanted to know you better.”
    “You’re a very convincing liar, and I think I would like to touch you after all.”
    Without a sound or moving a muscle, Jaymes invited the D.P. closer.
    “Uncanny.” Brandel acknowledged the Companion’s charisma. “I find it difficult to resist you, but I’ll have to ask some specific questions first. Since you’re not under contract to me, I don’t have your leash code and—”
    “Collar code,” Jaymes corrected automatically and knew immediately that he’d made a mistake.
    Brandel turned to the bodyguards and signaled to them to wait outside in the hall. The Combat-Ulteems went reluctantly, but they went. As soon as the door was closed, the Deep dealt Jaymes a backhanded slap that made the Companion’s ears ring. Jaymes held a hand to his stinging cheek, trembling with the conflicting impulses that threatened to overload his system. He’d been slapped before, but always as a pre-arranged part of a Scenario, and he’d known how to react. The Deep’s attack had been unexpected and vicious, and Jaymes’s survival programming urged him to retaliate by neutralizing his attacker. However, the parameters set by the modified matrix compelled Jaymes to submit.
    “You won’t fight me. I see it in your eyes,” the Deep said as he raised his hand to strike again.
    For the first time in Jaymes’s twenty-two years, he felt real fear, mortal fear, the fear that he was going to be damaged beyond repair. Because the Deep was right. Jaymes wouldn’t fight back. He couldn’t. The chemical code restrained him as effectively as a straitjacket. Unable to take his eyes from the Deep, he waited in dread.
    “Why are you so compliant?” Brandel asked curiously.
    “I’m under the influence of a compulsion program,” Jaymes said, unable to

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