Hunger of the Wolf

Hunger of the Wolf by Madelaine Montague Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hunger of the Wolf by Madelaine Montague Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madelaine Montague
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
She didn't pursue it. She wasn't certain why she'd spoken so impulsively to begin with. It wasn't a habit of hers. She'd learned it was far safer merely to observe and listen until she gained whatever knowledge she was looking for. Asking questions invited questions, and she was no good at all at fabricating believable lies to substitute for the truth, and she certainly couldn't tell the truth when the truth could always hurt her.
    She was both relieved and further unnerved when they finally finished the meal and moved into the living room—all of them.
    She took the chair Dante indicated, struggling to appear outwardly calm even though she was anything but relaxed. Maurice and Kane settled on the couch. Jessie took the chair opposite hers and Dante sat on the footstool in front of her.
    "How much do you know about lycans?” he asked after studying her in silence for several moments.
    "Enough,” she said tartly.
    He tilted his head, studying her. His lips tightened after a moment. “All you want to know, is that it?"
    That pretty much summed it up, but she decided against agreeing with him when he looked pissed off.
    "The one who attacked you was a rogue."
    Shilo eyed him with frank suspicion. “You said that. You're saying he wasn't ... connected to you in any way?"
    He heard the disbelief in her voice, and he didn't like it. She could see it in his expression. Well, that was just too fucking bad! She didn't like being attacked either. She'd been minding her own business, not bothering anyone.
    "It's against lycan law to attack or prey upon innocents,” he said tightly.
    "Why were you there then?"
    "I was tracking him. He was stalking you. I didn't know that at the time, however."
    She studied his face, wondering why she believed him.
    "You aren't going to ask me why he was stalking you?” he asked after another prolonged silence, looking more annoyed.
    "I didn't think lycans had to have a particular reason."
    His face darkened with anger that time.
    "You know why lycans are drawn to you, don't you?"
    Shilo turned to look at Maurice as he spoke for the first time. “Drawn to me?” she echoed in surprise. “I thought it was just random ... you're saying they ... you ... Why?"
    "It's because you're a psychic. Your scent is ... unlike other humans. And it's far more appealing to lycans."
    Shilo felt her throat close as that sank in. Angry tears blurred her eyes. “My gift?” she managed, feeling her chin wobble. “It's not enough I've been hunted.... “She broke off, swallowing against the urge to cry, realizing she'd said more than she'd intended.
    But it just wasn't fair, she thought angrily! She hadn't asked to be born like this! How ironic was it that the one thing she had to help her fight off their attentions was the same damned thing that was drawing them to her in the first place?
    "You can't go home,” Dante said after a moment. “He has your scent now. He'll follow you."
    Shilo wasn't certain whether she didn't believe him or she just didn't want to believe him. “They never have before."
    Dante's gaze was assessing. “Because you back tracked and managed to lose them, but that wasn't what you were trying to do, was it? You didn't know there could be lycans trying to follow you. Who has been hunting you?"
    She wasn't about to answer that. The government almost certainly had a price on her head, especially considering she'd sabotaged their data banks and cleaned out the ‘company’ account when she'd fled. As far she was concerned they damned well owed her every penny of it. They'd stolen her entire childhood from her and any chance she might have had at a normal life, but they sure as hell wouldn't see it that way. “It was just an ex-boyfriend,” she lied a little sickly, “but that was a long time ago ... years."
    She could see he didn't believe her, but she didn't care as long as he had no idea why she was on the run and she could see that hadn't occurred to him. She shot to her feet. “I

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