
Hunted by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Hunted by Heather Atkinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Atkinson
said, running a hand back and forth over his stubbly grey head. “She’s always been happy looking after me, she used to say she enjoyed it. Now she’s got ideas above her station.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “Thinks she’s too good to make me something to eat or a cuppa. She thinks she shouldn’t have to do the housework anymore, says we should get a cleaner. I mean, neither of us work.” Ken hesitated and looked away awkwardly. “I mean…”
    “You mean I pay all the bills here so I’d be paying for a cleaner too.” Mikey couldn’t keep the irritation out of his voice. It was true, he did pay for everything, only because this pair were Amber’s parents and his son’s grandparents, unfortunately.
    “Yeah,” muttered Ken, embarrassed.
    “That’s fucking charming that is. She doesn’t do anything all day and neither do you. It’s not a huge house. Why can’t you keep the place clean between you?”
    “Joyce said why should we when you’re coined up. You have a cleaner.”
    “Because our house is bigger and Amber has to look after Jamie, that’s why. It’s not up to you to question my domestic arrangements,” thundered Mikey, pointing a digit at his father-in-law.
    “Hey, don’t take it out on me. I’m on your side. This is what Joyce has been saying.”
    “It’s taking the piss is what it is. Is this why she left you?”
    “She said I was a pathetic coward because I refused to ask you to hire a cleaner. She’s gone all up herself since we moved here.”
    “You mean even more than she was already,” growled Mikey. So that was the crafty cow’s plan - move into his house and get on his tits until he hired a cleaner just to get rid of her. Well it wasn’t going to work. No one played Mikey Maguire. “I’m telling you now, that cleaner isn’t happening.”
    Ken looked panicked. “You have to. Joyce won’t come home until you do.”
    “Fucking tough. You are going to have to get a grip and learn to fend for yourself and she is going to have to get it through her thick skull that I am not a mug.”
    “Where are you going?” said Ken, hurrying after him when he strode to the door.
    “I’m off. It stinks in here.”
    “But what about all this?” he said, gesturing around him helplessly.
    “Man up and grow a pair. If you don’t you’re going to find yourselves cut off without a penny.” Mikey gave a mock gasp. “Oh no, then you’ll have to get a job.”
    “What, with my back?” Ken called after him helplessly as he left, slamming the door shut behind him.
    Mikey was seething when he returned home to find Amber and Joyce examining the contents of a huge rake of shopping bags piled up on the dining room table. He recognised the names of most of the shops emblazoned on the sides of the bags and they were all expensive. His blood boiled to see Joyce trying on a very pricey-looking bracelet, bought with his money. Resentment filled him. This bitch had prostituted her own daughter to get this lifestyle and got it she had.
    “Hey babe, you’re home,” said Amber, pecking him on the cheek. “I know we went a bit overboard but it really did cheer Mum up. Here, I bought you this,” she said sweetly, holding up an ugly tie.
    He hardly heard her he was so angry, his gaze riveted on Joyce. “I’ve just been to see Ken.”
    “Oh yeah?” she said, only half-listening, too busy cooing over her treasures, like a great big fucking magpie.
    “He’s a mess Joyce.” He gritted his teeth in irritation when all the woman did was shrug. “He can’t cope without you. Why don’t you go back to him before he falls apart completely?”
    “It’ll do him good to be on his own for a while. It might make him appreciate me.”
    “I think he’s learnt his lesson. He’s already set fire to the vacuum and flooded the kitchen. You’d better get home before he does any more damage.”
    “Are you trying to get rid of Mum?” frowned Amber.
    He looked down at his wife triumphantly as he

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