I Married the Third Horseman (Paranormal Romance and Divorce)
an issue with at least one of the Four Brothers
Grimm, aren’t you?”
    “How did you know–”
    She held up a leonine paw until I went
    “Let’s just say that Dora’s got…connections.
I owe her a favor as a friend, for pulling the strings that got me
this gig, and this was my chance to pay her back. She’s one of the
oldest, most powerful beings among us, and I believe that she’s the
only one who can figure out a way to break the bond between you and
    That made me sit up and pay attention even
more closely, if that were at all possible.
    “Then shouldn’t I go see Dora directly?”
    “You should see her. But you’ll never
get to her without help,” came the reply. “Mitchel has enlisted his
brothers to help bring back his wife. I believe that without help,
they’ll nab you before you get within a hundred miles of Dora. And
trust me, you do not want any of them catching you.”
    This whole conversation wasn’t exactly giving
me the warm and fuzzies, that was for sure.
    “I trust you, believe me.”
    “Cee Cee supposedly has the items you need to
get you where you need to go. That gives me hope, as she’s a very
resourceful, very old friend.”
    I let out a breath, trying to absorb
    “I’m noticing that a lot of your friends are
‘old’,” I remarked.
    The Sphinx made a kind of shrug. “Among my
kind, they’re the only ones you’re allowed to keep. And there is
one more thing you must take with you before you leave: a
    “And if I don’t solve it?”
    “I won’t eat you. Rather, you must solve it,
in order to survive your journey to Dora.”
    She paused, and her expression shifted. Went
blank. Her pupils vanished as her eyes turned into ice-cold orbs of
blue. She recited her next lines in a voice that boomed as if it
were done by a ticked-off James Earl Jones reading the Bible
through a megaphone.
    “ What is it that looks like a door to
some, a passage to others, a message from those who seek to do
evil, and yet solves all of life’s problems? ”
    I remained frozen in place. Afraid to move,
to speak. The Sphinx’s eyes slowly returned to normal, and she
padded over to stand in front of me, a slightly abashed look on her
beautiful face. She placed one warm, soft paw upon my shoulder as
she added a final bit of advice.
    “There will come a time and a place where all
seems lost, Cassie. Where darkness overwhelms the light of the
Dancer of the Sun. And at that time, you must surrender yourself.
Surrender yourself to the answer to that riddle. And in doing so,
you will have a chance to yet triumph.”
    “Can’t you…” I whispered, “can’t you
just…tell me what I need to know?”
    A shake of the regal head. The beads in her
hair rustled. “Alas, that is not the way the old magic works. The
question is often more important than the answer, the journey more
important than the destination. And do not give in to despair, my
child. Fates willing, you just might make it after all.”

Chapter Twelve

    Freeze Frame.
    Yes, yes, I know. I’m starting off with one of these.
    Sorry if this knocks you out of the flow of
things. Tell you what, let’s make the next part go down nice and
easy by using yet another oldie-but-a-goodie from the filmmaker’s
bag of tricks: the monologue.
    Specifically, let’s go for the voice-over
monologue. That’ll give both of us what we need: you get the whole
enchilada of noir coolness, and I get out of Dodge before Mitchel
shows up to reclaim me like he’s picking up his winning lottery
    Let’s kick this off with an over-the-shoulder
shot. As it happens, the drizzling rain from before was still doing
its thing. All the better for the atmosphere we’re shooting for.
Tightly framed shot, focus on the moodily lit interior of the
Porsche. The cars on the freeway swish by as my Porsche blends into
the fast lane. I turn north-by-east, fleeing before an incoming
storm front framed by clouds the color

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