I Spy a Wicked Sin
firmly. “Baby steps. Lunch here, a party there. A vacation, perhaps.”
    “I don’t recall the last time I took a real vacation,” he mused, surprised by how much he liked the suggestion. “Start working on a list of destinations and we’ll take it from there. Somewhere warm where clothing is optional.”
    “In the meantime, I let Dev talk me into going out for dinner next Friday night. You’ll be my date, of course. He and Geneva will love you.”
    He considered warning Lily about his friends’ naughty appetites, but decided to let her find out as the evening progressed. More tantalizing for everyone if things developed naturally.
    “Where are we going? Do I need to take care of the reservations?”
    “I’m not sure where we’ll eat, but no. Dev will take care of the plans and you’ll be my escort. We’ll take the limo and pick them up. After dinner, Dev wants to show you the gallery—unless you’ve already visited.”
    “I never have, but I’ve seen the outside. It’s a gorgeous building.”
    “Oh, just wait. I promise you’ll be blown away. After the gallery, we’re invited to their place for a nightcap.”
    “Sounds like a lovely evening. I can’t wait.”
    “It will be. And the Sinclairs are . . . interesting people.”
    “Tell me about them.”
    Ah, he had her curiosity piqued. He suppressed a grin. “I think I’ll let you find out for yourself. Dev and Geneva must be experienced to be fully appreciated.”
    “Not fair—”
    “Lunch, guys?” Liam called, rolling in his squeaky cart. He quickly set out their salads, silverware, and glasses. “Jude, your salad bowl is in front of you, fork on the right, napkin underneath. Iced tea at one o’clock, rolls in the middle of the table.”
    “Got it.”
    “Liam, this looks delicious,” Lily said. “But where’s yours?”
    “I’m eating in the kitchen, giving you two a chance to get acquainted. Plus, I’ve got a ton to do. Chow down, and let me know if you need anything else.” Wheels squeaked again. “I’m leaving this cart parked against the wall over here for when I come back to clean up, but it shouldn’t be in your way.”
    Jude nodded. “Thanks,” he said, throat tight. In his lap, his hands knotted into fists.
    After Liam’s steps receded, Lily spoke with concern. “I assume dining is part of the fear you mentioned regarding going out in public.”
    “How did you guess?” His attempt at humor was heavy with bitterness.
    “Do you want me to—”
    “No. I’ll manage.” Damn, he hadn’t meant to snap.
    “Fine,” she fired back. “Then wipe that lost-puppy expression off your face and do it.”
    Lost puppy? Okay, that fucking pissed him off. She had no clue what this goddamned hell was like, day in and day out. Suddenly her take-no-shit attitude wasn’t quite so charming. Being pitied was bad enough, but to be accused of trying to elicit sympathy?
    His hand shot out to snatch a roll, nearly knocking over his iced tea in the process. Acting on pure reflex, he saved the liquid from spilling too much, then placed the roll to the left side of his salad bowl. Hands shaking, he lifted his fork, laid his napkin in his lap, and found the edge of the bowl with his left hand as a guide. Finally, he speared some salad and popped the leafy greens and savory chicken into his mouth.
    “You’re doing well,” Lily observed. “I don’t know why you’re so afraid.”
    He swallowed his bite. “I’m dealing.”
    “Bullshit, you’re hiding.”
    “Fuck you.”
    “Only if you’re lucky.”
    “I don’t need luck, sweetheart.”
    “I’m not your sweetheart any more than I’m your honey.”
    “You think? We’ll see about that, won’t we?”
    Silence descended. One heartbeat, two, three.
    Lily burst out laughing. Real, honest laughter. So infectious that Jude’s mouth started to quirk. Dammit, he couldn’t hold on to his foul temper if he wanted. He gave up and joined in, shaking his head.
    “I must

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