I'm in Love With a Stripper
Gavin said excitedly.
    Alena smiled, “Oh, yeah?”
    “Yeah, sorry Alena you can’t come because it is bo ys only,” Gavin said.
    Alena giggled, “That’s OK as long as you have fun.”
    Alena heard knocking on the door.
    “Oh, that must be him!” Alena said as she grabbed Gavin’s bag.
    Alena opened the door and welcomed Hubert in. The two talked for a minute before he lef t with an overly excited Gavin in rubber boots.
    Alena took Royce’s credit card from the counter and called Jessica. The two chatted for minute before deciding to meet up together to go shopping.

Chapter 10
    “ Jessica!” Alena squealed as she embraced her best friend.
    “ Hey Alena! It is so good to see you!” Jessica exclaimed.
    The girls chat ted while they browsed the various stores.
    “ So Alena, what is the deal with you and Royce now?” Jessica questioned.
    Alena smiled, “He basically said he cares about me and has for a long time. He wants us to be together.”
    “ Woah, really?” Jessica replied.
    Alena nodded.
    “ Jessica, I think I’m really falling for him,” Alena confided.
    Jessica smiled, “That’s great! You deserve someone special in your life and didn’t I totally call it?”
    “Call what?” Alena asked.
    “I knew he had a thing for you,” Jessica grinned.
    The girls both giggled.
    “OK, OK. You totally called it. You’re always good at these sorts of things,” Alena replied.
    “Well, I mean he’s pretty good looking, he’s loaded, you like his kid, and he’ s totally been in love with you forever. It was a really hard one to figure out,” Jessica replied.
    “Oh , whatever. He has not been in love with me forever,” Alena retorted.
    “What about the time you had a flat tire?” Jessica questioned.
    “He came and fixed it,” Alena replied sheepishly.
    “What about the time…” Jessica began but was quickly interrupted.
    “What about the time when the washing machine broke and Aaron came and fixed it?” Alena replied.
    “By fixed it you mean bought me a new one?” Jessica replied.
    “That was such a mess. It over flowed and remember you used every single towel in the house to soak up all the water?” Alena said.
    The two laughed.
    Jessica smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “Yeah, sorry about that.”
    “ So, what is the deal with Aaron?” Alena questioned.
    “ He has been super protective of me since… well— you know what happened,” Jessica said.
    Alena nodded.
    Jessica smirked as she saw two younger guys trying to make eyes at her and Alena.
    “I guess we still have it,” she said as she slightly nodded her heads towards the young duo.
    “Must be a stripper thing, ” Alena replied as she winked at her friend.
    The two giggled.
    “Back to you and Aaron,” Alena pressed.
    Jessica continued, “I mean I have feelings for him but I want a guy who will truly love me, someone who will make a great dad and a guy who is ready to settle down. Not someone who owns a strip club. I mean I think if I do ever meet someone I won’t tell them about me being a stripper.”
    “ I understand. Those were my sentiments exactly,” Alena replied.
    “ I am finishing nursing school in a few months and I can finally leave the club and everything behind me. Who knows, maybe I will meet a hot doctor!” Jessica exclaimed.
    Alena smiled. Jessica always knew how to lighten up any situation.
    “I think you should still give him a chance. He is kind of a sleaze but he’s really come along way over the past couple of months. He cares about you. He’s there anytime you need him,” Alena asserted.
    “Maybe… I just don’t know, ” Jessica sighed.
    “Well, w hatever you do just listen to your heart,” Alena replied.
    The girls continue d to shop for awhile.
    “ Oh my gosh, Alena— I almost forgot. There is something really important we need to talk about,” Jessica said suddenly.
    Alena gave Jessica a confused look.
    “ What did Aaron do now?” Alena questioned.
    Jessica shook her head ,

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