Immortalis - Book 1 (The Keeper's Immortals)

Immortalis - Book 1 (The Keeper's Immortals) by Marisa DeMaris Read Free Book Online

Book: Immortalis - Book 1 (The Keeper's Immortals) by Marisa DeMaris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa DeMaris
both Ashwin and Jaryn before they left me in a large room that was beautifully decorated. My whole house could fit inside this one bedroom so on the inside I was slightly nauseated at that fact. I was just happy that they didn’t place in me a dungeon type room. Instead I was in a room with an over the top bed that was covered in plush pillows, thick bed covers and felt amazing on my skin as I slipped between the sheets finally. Normally I would have explored more of the room, maybe even try to find a way out not that it mattered because I didn’t have anywhere I could go. If I was to ask for help I would be thrown into a psychiatric ward in minutes because the story was too unbelievable. I, myself wouldn’t have believe it if it wasn’t for the fact I had been talking to these people all night. After tossing and turning for what seemed like an hour I finally passed out hoping that Reid was safe and he would find me soon.              
    Reid woke up, jerking his body upwards only to slow his movements after realizing that his head was pounding worse than he thought. Sebastian’s toss had gotten better than it used to be. Reid looked up and around his surroundings. It was daylight out, the birds were singing and the sun was shining brightly; stinging his eyes. He didn’t know how far into the thick trees he had been thrown, all he knew that he was tossed hard enough to split a large three in half which would explain why his back was in searing pain.
    Once he regained his balance he stood for a moment in a failing attempt to ease the pain that was racing through his head. Letting out a deep breath he started walking toward his car where he hoped to find Nora. After walking for a almost a half an hour he suddenly remembered that Nora wouldn’t be at his car, not because she was safe in her own home but because she had been taken by the people he should have been able to trust; his family. “Shit!” He said out loud as he started running as fast as he could towards the spot where he last saw Nora the night before, watching her get stuffed into dark limo by two of his brothers; Nora screaming for none of them to hurt him. She was being held by a pack of lunatics and she was worried about her immortal date being hurt. All he could do was to hope with everything that he had that she wasn’t hurt and wouldn’t be by the time he reached her. The lump that had formed on Reid’s head had made it hard for him to remember everything that he was told last night. Everything had moved so quickly the night before; it seemed to be a blur. Once he had reached his car he found his barely alive cell phone and called Nora knowing that if she did have her phone then they would have probably taken it form here but if someone would answer just to tell him that she was safe would be fabulous. He listened to the phone ring only to feel a vibration beside him and after some digging he found Nora’s cell, still on silent from their date. Reid threw his head back, hitting the seat and letting out a sigh of frustration. Suddenly he slammed his fist against the steering wheel as his frustration turned to anger. He closed his eyes and thought as hard as he could trying to think about where they took her. ‘If you want her then you’ll have to come and get her brother. You know where to find us.’ Was what Sebastian had said before throwing Reid like a rag doll.
    “Home! They took her home!” Reid finally figured out what part of the world they took her to. They took her to Ireland, their home land and that was where he would head. Reid found his keys still in the ignition but when he tried to start the car he found that the battery was dead after he had accidently left the headlights on all night. He popped the hood and placed his hands on the battery, focusing on all the energy that he could and zapped it with his hands. Within a second the engine was humming like a large cat on the prowl. He smiled wickedly

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