In the Commodore's Hands

In the Commodore's Hands by Mary Nichols Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: In the Commodore's Hands by Mary Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Nichols
Tags: Romance, Historical Romance
drink better than most.’
    Jay turned to Lisette. ‘Now,
, I will escort you home. You have still to make yourself ready as I suggested and keeping your horses out late is not going to help if we have the call tomorrow morning.’
    ‘I do not need your escort,’ she said haughtily, standing up and shaking out her skirt.
    ‘I beg to differ. I will see you safely homeand I will repeat my instructions to your maid, then I may be sure they will be obeyed.’
    Lisette did not answer, but marched out of the room, head held high. He shrugged and smiled at the other two men and went after her.
    They had almost completed the journey in silence when she spoke. ‘Do you think it will happen tomorrow?’
    Her voice was conciliatory and he smiled in the darkness of the coach. For all her defiance, she was a frightened girl and needed someone to lean on. Well, she could lean on him, that was why he was there, but only for as long as it took to get her, her father and his grandfather to safety. He was doing it because his mother had asked it of him and for no other reason.
    ‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘But we must not be caught unprepared.’
    ‘I will be ready,’ she said quietly.
    He almost regretted his defeat of her. He did not like to see her spirit broken, but it was necessary if they were to succeed. ‘Good.’
    The coach stopped, he jumped out and held out his hand to help her alight. She took his hand and stepped down. ‘You wish to speak to Hortense,
    He smiled. ‘Do I need to?’
    ‘No. I will tell her what you have said and Georges will make sure the horses are ready.’
    ‘Then I will bid you goodnight.’ He lifted her hand to his lips, then strode away.

Chapter Three
    L isette went indoors. The strain of the last few weeks and especially today had exhausted her. She trusted Sir John, and as Sir John trusted his grandson, she had no choice but to do so too. Jay Drymore was obviously a man used to command and today he had been especially cool and practical, but she wondered how good he was at dealing with the French people whose mood was volatile and bloodthirsty. If anything went wrong with the rescue attempt, his gaolers would not hesitate to kill Papa and the rescuers too. Did the Commodore realise that?
Louis d’or
would not save them.
    She found Hortense anxiously waiting for her. ‘Lissie, where have you been all day? I expected you home hours ago. It is not fair of youto worry me so. I do believe that Englishman has you in thrall.’
    Lisette flung herself down on a sofa. ‘That’s nonsense. He has come to rescue Papa and it is natural that we need to talk. It is no more than that. Besides, I have not been with him all day. We parted before we reached the prison.’
    ‘I’m glad he had the sense not to take you to that dreadful place with him, but where have you been?’
    ‘I went to the market and bought food and listened to the gossip. The Assembly has taken away all the King’s power and there is talk of putting him on trial.’
    Hortense gasped. ‘Surely they will never do such a wicked thing.’
    ‘Who knows? And they say Marie Antoinette is plotting with the Austrians.’
    ‘I would not put that past her. What else?’
    ‘I heard Henri Canard is going to stand for the legislature at the next elections. His hatred of the nobility is spreading to everyone. I shall be glad to leave, but we have to free Papa first. I went to visit Sir John on the way home. Monsieur Drymore joined us after he had been to the prison. He said there is talk of Papa being moved to Paris for a trial. I think he has a planto waylay the guards, but he would not tell me the details.’
    ‘Why not?’
    Lisette shrugged. ‘I do not think he trusts me.’
    ‘Then he is an arrogant fool.’
    ‘No, Hortense, he may be arrogant, that is an Englishman’s way, I think, but he is not a fool. He bade me be ready to move at a moment’s notice. You may come too, if you wish it. I know it will be

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