In the Eye of a Storm

In the Eye of a Storm by Mary Mageau Read Free Book Online

Book: In the Eye of a Storm by Mary Mageau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Mageau
Tags: Fiction, Young Adult
Daniel and Edouard, to her home and to freedom.

    Early morning sunshine bathed the kitchen bench as Malande peeled
onions, carrots and potatoes for a roast dinner. One of their few hens had
stopped laying so Daniel had wrung its neck, plucked it and prepared it for the
cooking pot.
    Weeks have passed since we had a real feast like this thought Malande
as she seasoned the dish with herbs, salt and pepper and a generous splash of
red wine. She covered the pot securely and placed it on the wood burning stove.
    In a few hours we’ll eat like kings and the leftovers will be finished
tomorrow. As she wiped the bench surface Edouard suddenly burst into the
kitchen, crying aloud to her.
    ‘Malande, come quickly! A coach has just stopped at the front door and
Laneve is inside. She is alive.’
    ‘Oh, Mon Dieu , our darling has been saved. She is with us
    Daniel had joined them on the run as he too let out a cry. ‘ Merci,
Bon Dieu. Our marquise is home again.’
    Laneve was greeted with joy and relief as she was lifted from the
carriage. The coachman told them how he had collected her from the Tribunal of
Public Health late in the previous afternoon and how he had driven all through
the night to see her safely home.
    ‘She slept almost the entire way,’ he told them. ‘Her clothes were so
ragged I thought she was a serving girl and now I learn she is a marquise and
mistress of this chateau.’
    ‘Oh Laneve, you look so look so thin and so tired.’ Malande held her
close, kissing her again and again. ‘Thank heaven you have been acquitted and
that you survived these months in that terrible prison.’
    ‘I had only a little money so I bought us each a small baguette for
breakfast. Otherwise we have eaten nothing,’ the coachman replied.
    ‘This noon we will all have a feast as I’ve prepared a roasting hen and
vegetables. Bottles of wine will be opened and we will all celebrate together.’
    ‘You must also stay here this evening and have a night’s sleep before
you return to Paris,’ Laneve replied. ‘Thank you, coachman, for the care you
took of me on this long journey to my home.’
    Then arm in arm, Laneve and Malande made their way into the chateau
while Daniel released and fed the coachman’s horse.
    ‘Come along to our cottage and have a glass of wine with my brother
Edouard and myself. I have a little bread and some cheese. You can tell us all
about what is happening in Paris.’
    Safely inside Laneve felt her strength slowly return again. ‘What can I
do for you now?’ Malande was eager to assist her in any way she could.
    ‘All I want is a long hot bath and a chance to wash my hair. Come
upstairs with me as I take off these filthy rags.  Burn everything in your
stove, Malande. After I bathe you can help me dress again, comb my hair and we
will talk together, just the two of us.
    Thank you, thank you, Malande for all you have done here for me. I am
so happy to find you, Daniel and Edouard safe and well.’
    After Laneve had bathed, dried her hair and dressed, Malande brought
them both hot tea and bread. ‘This will refresh us until lunch is ready.’ They
embraced one another again as they exchanged their news.
    ‘Laneve, I have the contents of the strongbox safely hidden. It has
never been touched. What are the plans for our future now that you are safely
home again.’
    ‘I have been pardoned so that I can take up my teaching position at the
new Conservatoire in October of 1795.  As that is still a year and
a half away all I want to do is leave France for a while. We must go away for a
complete rest and a change of place.
    Remember when we both tried to escape to Berlin? After a few days here
we will leave for Berlin again and this time we will reach our destination.
Daniel and Edouard can stay on, but of course I will have to return to prepare
for my teaching position to fulfil the condition for my release. In the
meantime though, we are both free and soon we will be

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