In the Midst of Life

In the Midst of Life by Jennifer Worth Read Free Book Online

Book: In the Midst of Life by Jennifer Worth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Worth
Tags: Non-Fiction
don’t know what your “proper upbringing” means, if it means denying the girls their grandmother. And she
their grandmother. And they are not just
girls. They are
girls too.’
    ‘She’s not
a grandmother. She doesn’t do things with them. She can’t take them out or play with them like grannies do. She just sits there, muttering and mumbling, and poking that “thing”. I can’t stand it any longer, all the washing and trying to get it dry, in this weather. And the smell! I can’t stand it any more. However much I wash, it’s still there. The nurse says if she didn’t keep poking at that “thing” it wouldn’t leak and the bed wouldn’t getdirty, but she won’t stop. She keeps poking and picking, and I can’t stand it, I tell you, I can’t stand it!’
    Karen had worked herself up into a hysterical frenzy and was sobbing. Slavek put his arm around her and she became calmer.
    ‘Why doesn’t she die, Slav? Why can’t she just die? That’s what she wanted. That’s what she came here for.’
    ‘I know. I’ve thought about it a lot. She nearly died that morning in August. But we called the doctors, and now she’s alive, and can’t seem to die.’
    ‘If only I hadn’t gone to the phone box.’
    ‘You only did what you thought was right. I did worse. I signed the consent for operation form.’
    ‘Why did you?’
    ‘Well, there wasn’t really any time to think. There was a sort of pressure to sign. No one said anything, but it was expected of me, so I did.’
    He brooded gloomily for a while, and neither of them spoke. Karen could see his unhappiness and felt sorry for her outburst. She squeezed his hand, and saw his manliness crumble into tears that he tried to hide.
    ‘If I had known what was going to happen,’ he continued, ‘I would never have let them do it to her. But I didn’t know. How could I?’
    ‘If you had refused to give consent for the operation, would it have made any difference, do you think?’
    He thought for a bit, and wiped his eyes and blew his nose.
    ‘No, I’m not sure that it would. I think they would have operated anyway.’
    ‘Then you can’t blame yourself.’
    ‘But I do. I feel guilty all the time. Guilty because I’ve made life hell for her, and guilty because I’ve made life hell for you.’
    ‘Is it wicked of me to wish that she had died last August, Slavek?’
    ‘I don’t think so. Death is natural. It comes to us all.’
    ‘Can she go back to Latvia?’
    ‘I can’t see how. How could we get her there?’
    ‘She’ll have to go into a home of somesort.’
    ‘That’s what I’m beginning to think. I didn’t want it, but I can’t see any alternative.’
    Slavek and Karen discussed it with the district nurse who made enquiries. Two local council-run old peoples’ homes were full and agreed to put Mrs Ratski on a waiting list, but warned that it might be a year or two before a place became available. They could enquire about private nursing homes in the area, but were told that Mrs Ratski would upset the other residents.
    Christmas came. As soon as the school holidays started, Karen took the girls to her mother’s. Slavek was left alone with his mother. He attended to her physical needs, and the district nurse called as before. Then Karen decided to stay with her mother – Slavek was devastated. He was lonely and missed his little girls most dreadfully. On Christmas Eve he got drunk and slept for two days, with a couple of bottles of vodka by his bed.
    He was awakened by repeated banging on the front door. He staggered downstairs, unkempt, unshaven, and wrapped in a blanket. It was the district nurse.
    ‘What’s been happening? I tried to get in this morning. I saw your bike was here, but you didn’t answer, and I knocked and knocked.’
    ‘What time is it?’ His voice was slurred.
    ‘It’s four o’clock. I haven’t seen your mother for days. Has she been away with you?’
    ‘No. She has been here all the

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