In Your Arms

In Your Arms by Rebeca Ruiz Read Free Book Online

Book: In Your Arms by Rebeca Ruiz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebeca Ruiz
Braxton's name. I sit down and listen into the conversation. “Why doesn't he date?” Of course she would be asking personal questions about Braxton.
                  “Not really my place to tell you.” Charles was so polite.
                  “Is there anything you can tell me?”
                  Charles thinks for a bit. “He has a type.”
                  “A type?” Callie frowns.
                  “You're his type.” Charles reassures her. “He likes blondes.” So I wasn't his type. Then why did he kiss me?
                  “Who likes blondes?” Braxton asks when he's walking in. Does he always have to look like a male model? I swear.
                  “No one.” They both say at the same time.
                  I laugh and he sits right in between Charles and I.
                  “You've got any alcohol? We should play a drinking game.” Braxton says. He said the magic words because Callie agrees.
                  “Tequila.” I say.
                  “Great.” Braxton smiles. “We should play Never Have I Ever, if you've done the thing, you must take a shot and explain.”
                  “Do you have to make everything into a drinking game?” Charles complains.
                  “It will be fun.” He assures.
                  Callie grabs shot glasses and the bottle of tequila. Everybody here has more experience with alcohol than I do. Everyone here is over the age of twenty one. No one knows my age except for my family and employer. I grab a bottle of water and Charles and Braxton both look at me.
                  “You don't drink?” Charles asks.
                  “No.” I lie. I do drink, it's just drinking around other people freaks me out, and I start to have a panic attack.
                  “But-” Braxton begins saying, and I shoot him a glare. I only drank a few days ago because I was on edge. I also didn't anticipate running into him.
                  “I'll start.” Braxton says after he rolls his eyes. My gut tells me that this is a very bad idea. “Never have I ever lied about my age.” WHAT THE FUCK. That has to be coincidence or he's a mind reader.
                  I take a drink of water and Callie takes a shot.
                  “I had a fake ID.” Callie says.
                  “Same.” I can breathe knowing that Callie and I probably made the same mistakes. We were very alike.
                  “Never have I ever had sex on a beach.” Callie says.
                  Braxton takes a shot. I don't. Things about my sex life are off limits, neither Charles nor Braxton need to know that information.
                  “Never have I ever lied to a girl to get her into bed.” I take a bite of one of my cookies to cover up my laugh. Braxton, and surprisingly Charles, both take a shot. I didn't really expect that from Charles.
                  “Never have I ever been disowned by my parents.” Braxton has taken a jab at me. Okay...he fucking knows. How does he fucking know? He smirks at me. Maybe it's the only thing he knows, I hope. Braxton probably asked his grandfather about me.
                  “None of us have been disowned here, idiot.” Charles says, which causes to Braxton to smirk even more.
                  I needed to ask his grandfather about what he has been telling Braxton. It's obvious that Braxton may have a vendetta against me for no apparent reason. I don't know why he is determined that I have nothing with either of them.
                  Callie is even quiet. She knows exactly why I'm in New York, she knows everything. From what made me drop out of Northwestern when I had a full ride scholarship and what happened with my family. She

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