Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel

Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Edwards
Tags: BDSM, Erotic Romance, public exhibitionism, exhibitionism voyuerism, club destiny
herself pacing the floor. After
checking her emails, hoping mostly for her editors to return both
of her potential articles for tomorrow, she’d been disappointed not
to find anything from either of them in her inbox.
    This left her with
precisely nothing to do except get on her own nerves.
    In order to avoid that,
she found herself back in her car, heading downtown. Figuring that
the lesser of two evils would be to get out of the house, it had
been an easy decision to head over to Club Destiny for a drink.
Except now, as she drove through the darkened streets, McKenna was
beginning to wonder whether her masochistic side was making another
    Ever since she exited Tag’s car back at her
office, she couldn’t help but think about that mind blowing kiss.
It wasn’t anything more than a meeting of lips, but it was somehow
more explosive than some of the down and dirty, tongue action
kisses from her past.
    Most of them actually.
    The only thing about it
that bothered her was the easy way Tag seemed to drive away
afterward. How could he not have been affected by that? She had
been nearly knocked right out of her gorgeous designer
    So, in order to avoid
pacing back and forth, or worse... cleaning her entire house from
top to bottom, McKenna was pulling into the parking garage of one
place she was pretty much guaranteed to run into Tag.
    Hell, she was a lost cause
– there was no denying it.
    After pulling into one of
the few spaces left in a garage that was already full on a Thursday
night, McKenna shut off the engine and gripped the steering
    She got the strange
feeling that all of the times she had encountered Tag in the past
were only leading up to something more. After each meeting, she
found herself more and more affected by him, but she couldn’t
exactly pinpoint what that meant. The only thing she knew for sure,
their relationship was slowly morphing into something entirely
unexpected. Whatever it was that they continued to dance around
couldn’t be ignored forever.
    Nor did she want it to.
    No matter how much she
tried to convince her overactive imagination that this was strictly
business and nothing more, she knew that wasn’t the case. Yes, she
wanted a tour of the club, and she wasn’t about to pretend
otherwise. She wanted to walk the halls, talk to the owners, and
get a good understanding of what went on there. Her readers
expected her to have the lowdown on anything and everything erotic.
Club Destiny fit that description.
    Except she found herself
thinking more about Tag than she did about anything else. She still
wanted to do all of those things, but it would seem she had a more
selfish motive now. One that involved bringing her closer to a man
who exuded so much... masculinity. He was distinguished and
reserved, yet approachable and so intensely male; and above all
else, he pulled it all together and still exuded that laidback
southern charm that she found so damn hot.
    There was also something
else she managed to pick up from her conversations with him. He
wasn’t interested in relationships. He hadn’t admitted as much, but
she could sense how much of himself that he kept in reserve,
reluctant to share with others. And maybe it was just because she
was a journalist that he wasn’t interested in talking about
himself, but she didn’t think so.
    McKenna would never downplay her abilities,
and one of them included pretending with the best of them. Since
she knew whatever was happening between her and Tag would be
temporary at best, she would just have to convince him that she
wasn’t interested in anything other than an exclusive on the club.
While she was at it, she was going to try to convince herself of
the same thing. Any interaction with Tag Murphy was safer that
    She didn’t figure their
dinner date would lead to anything more because McKenna was still
convinced she was way too outspoken and forward for a man like him.
But stranger things had happened, and she knew

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