
Inferno by Julian Stockwin Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Inferno by Julian Stockwin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julian Stockwin
engine. A cooper for five days – at double rates to buy his silence. A glover for three on the same conditions. A blacksmith to contribute skills as needed at a goodly fee. An allowance for materials, the extent of which to be determined.
    It was further agreed that proceedings be kept in thestrictest confidence and operations would be in the presence of all parties.
    It was usual to seek Grant of Wreck to gain sole licence to raise valuables from a particular site. This was to keep rival speculators at a distance but would have the effect of alerting the authorities to their activity, not entirely desirable. Meares fell in with Kydd’s suggestion that it was quite within reason that such formalities be kept until there was tangible return from the wreck, at which point the whole matter could be reviewed. After all, why trouble the Receiver if nothing was there?
    They joined the others.
    â€˜So, gentlemen, I give you Mr Jacob Meares, desirous to be a shareholder in the Dunlochry Treasure Company.’
    Agreement was reached within a very short time.
    Following receipt by Mr Meares of the subscribed capital of the others he would add his own, undertaking then to bring the diving engine to a state of full readiness.
    On his announcement, the device, with the said gentleman, would be taken aboard
Maid of Lorne
and the location would then be revealed.
    With every expression of hope for a fortunate outcome, hands were shaken and the little band returned to Dunlochry.

Chapter 16

    S tirk waited until they were alone in the kitchen. ‘Connie, m’ dear.’
    â€˜Aye? If it’s more o’ them bannocks ye’re wanting—’
    â€˜No, lass. It’s a-ways deeper’n that. I want t’ talk wi’ ye.’
    She picked up on his tense mood and sat beside him at the table. ‘Tell me, Toby, what’s on your mind, then?’
    â€˜It’s like this …’
    He told her. The gold doubloon, the visit to the wreck, their distinguished guest’s opinion of its lying about the seabed with the fishes. ‘And t’ think under me as I swam was a pile o’ gold ready f ’r the picking – it was enough t’ choke me, I swear!’
    Her eyes widened and she clasped her hands in sudden realisation. ‘Toby – d’ye know what I think it is? You’ve gone an’ found the Tobermory galleon, that’s what! They’s been searchin’ for it these hundreds o’ years, the Duke o’ Argyll an’ all – it’s filled wi’ gold an’ silver beyond all counting. Toby, if you …’ She tailed off at the enormity of it all. ‘What’ll you do now, love?’
    He laid it out for her: a miraculous diving engine that had been used to raise treasure before. A partner wanting a half-share but making it all possible. Their big chance! ‘So, sis, if we c’n raise a purse that’ll see ’em satisfied they has their expenses, why, we c’n start diggin’ it out an’ no waitin’.’
    â€˜How much does they want?’
    It seemed so very reasonable when Kydd had neatly listed the outgoings, but spelled out in pounds, shillings and pennies it was a formidable sum.
    â€˜That’s more’n McGillie earns in a year – two,’ she said faintly.
    â€˜I knows it,’ Stirk said soberly. ‘I’ve some prize-money comin’ but I’ll never see ’un for a dog’s age yet. Laddie’s got nothin’ without he sells his boat.’
    â€˜Your nice Mr Paine. Will he …?’
    Stirk shook his head. ‘He can’t be seen gettin’ involved, more’n it’s worth f ’r him.’
    She sighed, then said, with female practicality, ‘I’ll speak t’ McGillie when he comes home. He’ll know the right of it.’
    As the summer dusk settled, the figure of the gamekeeper appeared at the door. ‘I’m home, lass,’ he

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