Infinite 01 - Infinite Sacrifice

Infinite 01 - Infinite Sacrifice by L.E. Waters Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Infinite 01 - Infinite Sacrifice by L.E. Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.E. Waters
under the water. The enormous sacred crocodile guarding the House of the Dead watches me pass the pool, and I bow to him in respect and fear. I enter the first ceremonial room I come across, where I see Nun’s body lying on the table beneath three funeral priests.
    One ancient digs in Nun’s mouth with his finger and says, “The force of the spear through the slave’s mouth was so great it thrust his front teeth apart.”
    As the other two bend forward to examine him, my attention diverts to Aapep sitting at the scribe’s desk, recording the funeral rite in place of his father.
    “Aapep, why are you here?”
    He glances up with his flashing black eyes. “You are fully aware that my father is dead.”
    “Oh no, I did not know. I am very sorry to hear of his death.”
    Aapep looks away, back to Nun’s body.
    Does he suspect me?
    I wonder how much Khons told him about his early morning errand.
    “Why are you here, Sokaris? You do not own slaves after death,” Aapep says even-toned.
    “I went to claim his body and found he had already been moved to have funeral rites. That is not standard for executions.”
    “I had him moved. My family is paying for proper funeral rites.” He sets his gaze on mine.
    “Why would you do so?”
    “The gods will not rest until injustices are righted,” he says with his cold eyes squinted.
    I now know who pushed Bastet .

Chapter 6
    I back out of the room and return to my dwelling to plan how I will avenge her. The new slave I sent for is here. He kneels, and I name him Aten. I tell him to fetch some hot water to clean my feet so that I can retire and enter my dwelling. I look for Sehket and find no cat in my room. I yell for Aten, who hurries in, bowing.
    “When I sent for you, I instructed you to bring my favored cat Sehket. Where is she?”
    He wrings his hands and sputters, “I gathered the black tailless cat you asked for and put her in this basket with linen tied around the top. I was walking by the temple square at the time of Nun’s execution, and when the crowd broke out in cheers, the cat went wild. The basket fell out of my arms, and the cat ran away. I could not get her back.”
    I strike the slave with my open hand and proceed to beat upon his bent-over form.
    The slave falls to his knees, covering his head as I yell, “Get out of my sight!”
    He scurries outside but stoops to pick up his blanket. I throw the empty basket at him, hitting him in the back of his head as he runs away, leaving the moth-eaten blanket behind.
    “UGHHH!” I scream out, falling to my knees, drawing the attention of slaves on rooftops within range of my cry.
    How did my life fall to ruin like this? How could so much change in two days’ time?
    “Bastet, Bastet, Bastet.” I lament like a woman.
    Pulling myself back up, I retreat to the solitude of my room. I slump down on my bed in despair but jump up realizing I haven’t checked the bed yet. I pull the sheets back to see nothing there. Breathing a sigh of relief, I fall on the bed and extinguish the candle by my side.
    Moments later, in the moonlight, I see a peculiar movement but it flits away into the shadows.
    Sitting up with my hands braced at my side, I call out into the darkness, “Aten, is that you?”
    When mere silence echoes back, I wish I had not sent my slave and only protector away. The air is thick with an unseen presence. I still my breathing to listen for evidence of an intruder.
    What is that? Is it coming nearer?
    My eyes dart into the dark corners where the moonlight can’t reach. I wait. Nothing comes.
    I release my held breath and lie back down, scoffing loudly at my delusions.
    Something lunges toward me. I scream out as it stabs deep into my left hand. I pull my hand in tight, trying to hold off the pain. Expecting to feel where the reptile had punctured me, instead I feel something stuck in the flesh of my hand. I yank it out and hold it to the moonlight. A sharpened quill glistens in the blue light, still

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