
Inseparable by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online

Book: Inseparable by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
him. Crap! What was wrong with him? Granted he hadn’t been with a woman since his breakup with Alyson five months ago, but still, this was Kenna for crying out loud. He’d seen that nervous habit plenty of times over the years, so why was he suddenly lusting over the one woman he shouldn’t have the hots for?
    “He was jealous of you. Like Alyson, he didn’t believe the ‘we’re just friends’ line either. The first time he brought it upI gave him the benefit of the doubt, since I’d be the first to admit our relationship is a bit unorthodox. But I warned him that if he accused me again that things were over between us. Unfortunately, he didn’t take me at my word.”
    Reese slowly shook his head as he buckled his seat belt again and started the car. He really didn’t know what to say. When he glanced over at Kenna, he immediately knew what she was thinking. He cut off the ignition again.
    “Look, Kenna, don’t even think it. We agreed years ago that if we met someone and it got serious, if that person couldn’t deal with our friendship it would be their loss and not ours. Are you having second thoughts about that?”
    “No, but a part of me can’t help but sympathize with Alyson. The two of you would still be together if she hadn’t gotten it into her head that I was a threat.”
    “Maybe and maybe not. It’s a bad idea for any woman to get it into her head that she can decide who my friends are. And as far as Lamont thinking we had something going on, then he was a fool. I never liked him anyway.”
    “Have I ever dated a guy you did like?”
    He waited to see if she would ask him why and then exhaled slowly when she didn’t. Had she asked, he wouldn’t have been able to give her a reason. He just hadn’t liked them. “So what do you think Purcell wants with you?”
    “Who knows? He might want to try to convince me that finding him in bed with another man wasn’t all bad and that we can work things out and get back together.”
    Reese snorted. Purcell was really stupid if he actually thought that. He’d heard how some women would accept their man even after finding out they were on the down-low. But he knew for sure that Kenna wasn’t one of them.
    “After your meeting with Clayton and Syneda, and mine withDex, we can stay in town and grab dinner. And if you’re up to it, we can also do a movie. How does that sound?”
    “Sounds great,” she said, smiling.
    He smiled back at her. “Good.”

Chapter 5
    “M r. Madaris is in court now, but Mrs. Syneda Madaris will see you in a minute,” the receptionist said.
    “Thanks.” Kenna sat down in the plush chair and glanced around the office. She had been inside the Madaris Building several times, but this was the first time she had visited the law offices of Madaris, Madaris and Madaris. Since Blade had gotten married, his wife, Samari Di Meglio Madaris, had joined Clayton and Syneda at their law firm. Kenna could just imagine Clayton, the only man, having to deal with his beautiful, opinionated wife, who was a lot to handle, plus his cousin’s gorgeous, exotic-looking wife, Samari, whose hot Italian temper could flare at a moment’s notice. Things could get pretty damn interesting around here.
    While she waited, Kenna recalled the conversation she and Reese had shared during the ride over. After asking if she was interested in dinner and a movie, things had got pretty quiet between them. They talked about attending Morehouse’shomecoming in a few months, and about how Luke’s rodeo school, which was scheduled to open in two weeks, was doing. Reese hadn’t invited her to go with him, and she couldn’t help wondering if he intended to invite Alyson.
    Kenna had received an invitation to Luke’s rodeo opening before leaving Austin, so if Reese made plans to take a date then she would do the same. There was no way she would be a third wheel with him and Alyson. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to make sure that happened. Having a

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