cook—tell me he’s great in bed and has a steady job, and we’ll hold him down and clone him.”
“I’d really like to find out about that great in bed part.” Heat seared across Cassidy’s skin when she realized she’d said it out loud.
“That a girl,” Kathy coaxed. “It’s about time you went on the offence for a change.”
“There’s definitely a connection between us, Kath. I’ve never felt such a strong one with anyone.”
Kathy tucked a strand of long strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. “I know there are a lot of men out there who haven’t treated you right, but this guy looks at you like he wants to start at the top and nibble his way down.” Kathy licked ice cream off the back of her spoon. “Besides—I have a good feeling about him.”
Feeling? Cassidy started. Did Kathy have some of the natural psychic talent Zach talked about? “Why do you say that?” She reached out mentally to her friend using the new skills she’d acquired this afternoon. Protectiveness radiated from Kathy, but their connection wasn’t as strong as the one with Zach.
“He gives me good vibes, he’s one of those people you trust right away. Now Brian, I disliked the very first time I set eyes on him. He struck me as a slimy used-car salesman type.” Kathy stood and then walked to the kitchen to throw away the ice cream containers. Cassidy heard the door to the refrigerator open.
“Can I ask you something?” Cassidy called into the kitchen.
“Whoa, you’ve never had to ask me that before, this must be big. What’s going on?” Kathy walked back and sat on the footstool in front of her friend.
“I’m afraid. I really like this guy. I know it’s crazy, and we’ve only known each other a few days, but I can’t deny how I feel. And I’m pretty sure he feels it, too.”
“So what’s the problem?”
“You mean besides thinking I’ve lost my mind?” Cassidy took a moment to search for the words to explain. “I’ve gone from viewing dating as a necessary evil in life to wanting to seriously pursue someone.”
Kathy kicked off her heels and slouched back into the overstuffed loveseat. “Sometimes it works that way. My parents knew they should be together from the first moment. My dad described it like a magnet that kept pulling him toward my mom. They both felt it and went with it. They’ve been together for thirty-five years.”
“Romantic, but not what I’m getting at.” Cassidy rushed to get the words out before she lost her nerve. “Okay, so what if I’m brave and I go for it and I suck?”
Kathy laughed. “Most men really like that.”
“I’m serious, Kath. I’ve only slept with one guy, and he told all our friends to start calling me the Ice Queen.”
Kathy laughed, amusement and mischief dancing in her gaze. “You’re talking about minute man? I’m sorry, but the man needs to look up the word foreplay—it doesn’t involve groping your boob once before he hops on.”
Cassidy laughed in spite of her dour mood.
“Look, Cassidy, I realize I’ve been around a few more bedposts than you have, and I’m telling you, when it’s the right guy—it’s great. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.”
Cassidy sighed. Her gut told her Zach was the one. And if this weekend had taught her anything, it was not to ignore her gut. “Okay, but you’d better have some backup pints if I need them.”
Cassidy stood in front of Zach’s front door trying to find the courage to knock. She spent the entire afternoon after Kathy left coming to grips with her new talents and trying to cope with the emotions Zach stirred inside her. She’d gone her whole life without finding true sparks flying between her and a man. And now they had definitely flown with this one since the very first touch.
But what makes him different from