Into the Mist

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Book: Into the Mist by Maya Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Banks
elemental form. He hovered above her, flashing eerily transparent. If she opened her eyes now, she’d see a faded image of his human form.
    Unable to resist, he lowered his lips to hers. His touch was light. He wasn’t fully shifted so his body conformed to hers, a ghostly apparition flush against her.
    He kissed her again, licking over her lips, inhaling her sweet moans. When she stirred again, he gave over to his elemental form, coalescing as a plume of smoke once more.
    Suddenly her eyes flew open and she rolled off the bed in a heap of legs and covers. Eli shot upward, hovering over the bed as he looked down at her.
    She scrambled up, looking warily around her, her pupils dilated. She fumbled with the lamp on the nightstand and soon the room was bathed in soft light.
    Her chest rose and fell with exertion.
    â€œYou’re going nuts,” she muttered. “Have great sex one time and your brain becomes mush.”
    Eli chuckled to himself. So she was thinking about him, or maybe, like before, she sensed his presence. He certainly couldn’t fault her instincts. And he damn sure didn’t fault her performance in bed.
    She slowly rose from the floor, hauling the covers back onto the bed. She stared around the room, taking her time assessing every nook and cranny. Then she looked up. Right at him.
    How on earth did she manage to pinpoint his location every single time?
    Her eyes narrowed as she cocked her head to one side.
    â€œFucking pervert,” she growled. “Get your ass down here so I can kick it again.”

Chapter Four
    Tyana balled her fingers into tight fists at her sides and readied herself for the coming confrontation. The hairs at the nape of her neck prickled and stood on end, just as they had that night in Singapore, and there was a chill in the air. She knew he was here. She felt him.
    A slight shift in the air alerted her to Eli’s movement just seconds before he materialized at the end of the bed.
    He stood in a relaxed pose, studying her indolently. She glared and sized him up.
    â€œHow did you know I would be here?” she demanded.
    He cocked one eyebrow at her. “How did you know I’d be in Singapore?”
    She shrugged. “Lucky guess?”
    â€œWhat do you want?”
    Her eyes narrowed. She eased sideways, putting more distance between her and the bed. Eli backed a step away, his stance growing more wary. Maybe he remembered the last time she put him on his ass.
    She smirked. “Afraid of a girl?”
    His eyes glittered with amusement. “Afraid I’ll make you want me again?”
    She didn’t dignify the remark with a response.
    She closed in and the two circled each other, hands up, feet barely making a sound across the floor.
    â€œYou know, I’d much rather fuck you than fight with you.”
    She lashed out with a fist only to have her punch blocked by his forearm.
    â€œWell, if you insist,” he murmured.
    Annoyance bubbled just under the surface, not that she’d give him the satisfaction of reacting. He irritated the piss out of her, and nothing would give her greater pleasure than taking him down again.
    She feinted right with her fist then kicked low with her foot, catching him just below the knee. She grinned when he stumbled back and caught himself on the desk.
    â€œFeisty little wench.”
    She glared him down and closed in again. He was toying with her, and that pissed her off. Hell, everything about the man made her want to grind her teeth.
    When he made a move toward her, she danced back, then kicked again, this time connecting with his thigh. Inches from his groin. She grinned when he covered his privates and backed off.
    â€œNow, sugar, we can’t have any fun tonight if you damage the goods.”
    She rolled her eyes. “If I had meant to kick you in the balls I would have, cowboy. Now shut the hell up and fight. Or are you too much of a pussy to fight with a girl?”
    Before she could

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