Irresistible Forces
The thought that suddenly jackknifed through his mind was how was he going to spend a week with her on some exotic island and maintain his control? The answer came to him just as quickly.
    He wouldn’t have to.

    Elated beyond belief, Taylor bid the driver good-night and walked toward her front door. She glanced over her shoulder. Ryder had not moved and was still stationed by the car. Dominic had instructed the man not to leave until he saw that she was safely inside her home and Ryder was definitely following orders.
    After unlocking her door she opened it and went inside. After scanning the room, she quickly moved to the windows and flipped the blinds, letting him know she was okay. It was only then that he got inside the sedan and drove off.
    She checked her watch. It was almost ten. To Taylor it was still fairly early, but someone like Vanessa, who was known to retire early, would normally have been in bed by now. But Taylor knew she’d want to hear this—she had news worth sharing. She picked up the phone to begin dialing. After she talked to Vanessa she would call Cheyenne, who was doing a photo shoot somewhere in China. The three of them would be together this coming weekend in Charlotte when they got fitted for their bridesmaids’ dresses.
    Taylor raised a brow. It was a man’s voice. Cameron’s.
    “Yes, Cameron, how are you? Is Vanessa asleep?”
    She heard his smooth chuckle. “No, she’s awake. Hold on a second.”
    Taylor really liked Cameron and, unlike Vanessa, she had from the first. It hadn’t bothered her in the least that at one time he’d tried taking over her family company. She hadn’t taken it personally as Vanessa had. Increasing a person’s wealth was Taylor’s business and she couldn’t help but admire anyone who wanted to increase their riches.
    “Taylor, what happened?”
    Taylor rolled her eyes. “What makes you think something happened?”
    “Ha! Cut the act, Taylor. We both know what was supposed to go down tonight. So give up the details!”
    “Details? Why did Cameron answer your phone? Isn’t it kind of late for him to be visiting?” Taylor asked, grinning.
    “Nope. In fact he’s staying the night. And unless I change the locks he’ll stay the week. He likes keeping me in his sights and I like having him around.”
    Taylor could hear the smile in Vanessa’s voice. Her sister was happy and she was happy for her. In fact she was happy for herself, as well, which was the reason she had called.
    “So don’t change the subject. Tell me everything.”
    “Can we talk now or am I taking you away from something?”
    “I can talk. Cameron just got in the shower,” Vanessa said.
    “He’s agreed to do it.”
    “Dominic Saxon agreed to get you pregnant?”
    She could hear the excitement in Vanessa’s voice. “Yes.”
    “So I’m going to be an aunt?”
    Taylor smiled. “More than likely. There’s no reason to think we won’t click.” Especially after tonight, she thought, remembering how Dominic had to be assured that they would.
    “When you come home this weekend, we’re going to have to celebrate.”
    Biting down on her lip, Taylor fought to control her happiness and discovered that she couldn’t. Both of her sisters knew how much she wanted a child.
    “Can I tell Sienna?”
    Taylor smiled. Sienna Bradford was Vanessa’s best friend and had been since grade school. “Yes, tell her but don’t tell the cousins anything. You know how overprotective they can be at times.”
    “Okay. So there’s a chance you’ll be pregnant at my wedding.”
    Taylor sighed. She certainly hoped so. If everything worked out as planned, she and Dominic would be going to the Caribbean the beginning of next month and Vanessa was having a June wedding. Taylor wouldn’t be so far along that she needed to worry about an adjustment to her bridesmaid’s dress, but she hoped to be very, merry pregnant.
    “I’ll let you get back to Cameron and I prefer that you not tell

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