‘ You see,’ I say triumphantly. ‘I’m the youngest relative she had and she wanted someone to make the most of it.’
‘ Well I don’t know why she rented a flat in Knightsbridge if she owned a house.’
‘ Perhaps it was an investment and she rented it out,’ I venture.
‘ We’re only trying to prepare you, just in case,’ says Muffy. ‘You don’t want to get a shock. Not another one.’
Thanks for reminding me.
‘But you should still get your hair done,’ says Mum tactfully, taking the salad into the living room. ‘Just in case you meet a nice man.’
‘ Men are off limits,’ snaps Muffy. ‘Don’t even go there. Isn’t that right Binki?’
I nod and think of Oliver. I wonder if he will ask for my half of the rent now that I have moved out.
‘Just be prepared is all we’re saying, just in case it is a pile of rubbish,’ says Dad.
For goodness ’ sake, not my dad too.
‘ Can’t one of you be positive about this? It might be a really nice house that I can sell for a good price.’
‘ Can’t think why we didn’t know about it then,’ says Mum, gently dusting breadcrumbs from the table.
I give up.
‘Anyway, at least you’re getting your hair done,’ says Mum. ‘That’s good.’
I really do give up.
* * *
‘ Where have you been chérie ?’ cries Wesley. ‘I thought you had died or something worse.’
Is there anything worse than dying I wonder? The wonderful fresh smell of shampoo and hairspray reaches my grateful nostrils. You have to admit there is nothing like a bit of pampering is there? I shall emerge looking like Pretty Woman . If only I had her spending power, now that would be cheering. Wesley gingerly touches my shoulder-length blonde hair and pulls a face.
‘ You look like you’ve been reincarnated as a horror film heroine,’ he says bluntly.
‘ That’s a bit unfair,’ I grumble.
‘ Tsk, what have you been using, Lincoln Beer shampoo, or simply beer? I don’t know if I can do anything with this. Anyway this is my battle, come along, come along. If Wesley Dumont cannot make you beautiful then no one can.’
With a swish, in the manner of Derren Brown, he produces a robe and I glide into it. Oh, a bit of luxury. It feels so good. I’m gently led to a chair and within seconds I am surrounded by helpful trainees offering me Hello! magazines, coffee and biscuits. I’m stuck in front of a mirror and forced to confront myself. I look at my reflection in horror. I’ve developed lines and my eyes are all puffy and swollen. It’s all this crying and emotional stress, either that or it’s the bad lighting in here. I wonder how Oliver looks. He’s probably too busy to give me a second thought. No, that’s not true, he has been texting me every day. I really should answer him. I wonder if he’s got lines. He certainly won’t have puffy eyes. I can’t imagine Oliver crying all day somehow. He says I’m overreacting. My God, what a nerve, I mean it’s not like I found him masturbating on the loo is it? That would have been shocking enough, but I found him humping some bimbo with a look of ecstatic pleasure on his face. I shudder at the memory. Maybe I should put it behind me, but then every time he has a work do, or goes out with his mates I’m going to think he is with Brown Nipples again aren’t I? Anyway, I don’t know if I could have sex with him again knowing it has been, well, you know where? And who knows what she’s got, apart from huge nipples, and voluptuous hair. I wouldn’t mind some of her looks but I don’t particularly want her brand of chlamydia, thank you very much.
‘ Mince pie?’ asks Lucy. ‘We’ve got tons over from Christmas?’
I grab two and stuff one into my mouth. What if he ’s been with her before? I may already have her brand of chlamydia. Why was he humping her anyway? It’s not like I said no that often, apart from the suspenders and the saucy sailor outfit. Well, I looked ridiculous. I felt