Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance) by Mya Black, Nicki J. Read Free Book Online

Book: Italian Billionaire's Black Love (BWWM Interracial Romance) by Mya Black, Nicki J. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mya Black, Nicki J.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”
    Eve took in a deep breath and she explained everything on one long exhale. She told Carla that Alessandro had slept at her place for the past three weeks, that she had cooked for him, and that she was developing more than carnal feelings for him.
    “That doesn’t sound so bad, Eve.”
    “Seriously, Carla?”
    “What? I think it’s great you’ve finally found a man to scale those mile high walls you put up to protect yourself.” Carla smiled to herself. Her friend was finally in love and when she realized it, she wasn’t going to take it well.
    “That’s the problem. I don’t want anyone scaling or breaching my walls. I put them there for a reason.”
    Carla sighed in frustration. “Okay, well, what do you want to do?”
    “I want to end it of course!” Liar, her heart chimed in.
    “Then do it.”
    “You know it isn’t that simple. Alessandro won’t take no for answer, and I’m not strong enough to resist him.” The last part sounded almost like a cry even to her own ears.
    “You love him,” Carla told her – better to just rip off the Band-Aid.
    “What? No, I can’t.”
    “Why not,” Carla prodded.
    “Why not? Because it’s too soon. We don’t really know each other. I can’t be.”
    Carla heard the panic in her friend’s voice and tried to soothe her. “Well, I’m pretty sure you’re capable of the emotion.”
    “Maybe I am, Carla, but I don’t do love.”
    “Obviously, you do, sweetie.”
    Eve hated the pity she heard in her friend’s voice. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t love him. It won’t end well for me, it never does.” Her resolve was strengthening. “I don’t have time for a broken heart right now, so enough about this. I can’t love Alessandro.”
    “Can’t doesn’t mean you don’t already.”
    “Goodbye, Carla.”
    “Bye, sweetie. Good luck.”
    She hung up. “Yeah, I’ll need it.”
    Alessandro tiptoed back to the front door and quietly opened it before slamming it loud enough for Eve to hear. The conversation he’d heard had left him gutted. His heart hurt and his vision was starting to blur. The words ran around in his head on an endless loop. She was in love with him, and she didn’t want to be.
    A bitter smile crossed his face. Eve would forever be the woman who did the unexpected. She never asked him to stay the night, it just happened. She didn’t begrudge him going out with his two closest friends for their secret billionaire boys meeting, just told him to have a good time. She had even made him fish tacos – he smiled thinking of how he’d thanked her that night. She never asked for anything other than her pleasure in the bedroom.
    Until this moment, he didn’t even realize how little she asked of him. She was independent as hell and would never use his connections or money to help herself. Shit, how hadn’t he seen it before? Somehow, they had found themselves in a relationship. A real, solid, and functional relationship. Incredible.
    He hadn’t been looking for anything more than a few nights and fun, and Eve had only wanted one night. They’d had twenty-two, including the first night and she had fallen in love with him, albeit reluctantly.
    “Hey, Alessandro, how’s it going?” The false cheer in her voice was like a kick in the stomach.
    “It’s going okay,” he said reluctantly. “A long day. There were problems with the building in Macao.”
    “You need to pay off more locals or are there real problems?”
    He wanted to bang his head against the wall. This woman was perfect, but more importantly, she was perfect for him. He came up behind her in the kitchen. “Everything is fine, but the locals know a cash cow when they see one. The quicker this building is built, the better it will be.”
    “I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to get it done ahead of schedule.”
    The words were right, but something was off. “Hey, are you okay?”
    Her smile was watery as she shook her head. “I’m

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